What DID happen to Robot Jones?

Man... I loved this show... Why the hell did they take it down? I just thought it was great how in the time of advancing technology and computer animation, the creators went back to the basics and used pencil drawings. It always seemed very retro.

It would be the absolute BOMBest thing in the world if I could find the old episodes, unadulterated by some whiny kid voice, with his old robot one. Does ANYONE know how this might happen? Are the old episodes gone forever?


Damn i was going to have topic with that name.
Yeah I liked it. It was preety neat how crappy the effects were. but i enjoyed it but it just slipped away from my mind and now its back. so well i want to know that answer my self.


It would be the absolute BOMBest thing in the world if I could find the old episodes, unadulterated by some whiny kid voice, with his old robot one. Does ANYONE know how this might happen? Are the old episodes gone forever?

Hopefully they are still in tact. I hope they're the ones that are eventually released on DVD.

"I'm a seeker too. But my dreams aren't like yours." - Taylor, Planet Of The Apes (1968)


i wish animation today was as good as it was in this show. i miss the days of pencil drawings...now a days cartoons just don't have any life to them.

