I seriously want a 2nd season...this is the best power rangers EVER!! I think we should start a petition to keep it goin!!!!jk but if you think it'll work tell me:)

"...neither can live while the other survives..."


yeah we should start a petition to keep it goin I think this show is better than MMPR,Zeo,Turbo,Space,Galaxy,Lightspeed Rescue, Time Force, and wild Force and I think it will be better than Dino Thunder


do you want to?

Never trust an evil space ninja!


yes I do


how do we start it...????

Never trust an evil space ninja!


make up a petition to keep Ninja Storm on and let people sign it



Yep, PRNS was my favorite season! Too bad it's over! I miss Hunter so much! And all the others, even the bad guys!




...Yeah, I guess, but you are overlooking one important detail...

They have NO powers!

But, then they have their Ninja skills, but it would still be a one sided battle where Evil kicks butt.



Are you Guys For real ???
POwer rangers Suc*ks so hard now.

The Best Powerrangers were Mighty morhpin the old series were the best and greatest. till they began makin Zeo.
then it all became crappy.

Movies Don't Create Psycho's Movies Make Psycho's More Creative..


i guess u havent seen much of them then coz power rangers is great and i have bin a fan since i first saw it when i was 3 and im now 14 nearly 15. and PRNS is the best so far.

Im no angel ninja



I totally agree this was the best Power Rangers ever. I mean all the others were kinda the same and I think that Lother was one of the best villains because out of all of them he was probably the funniest. And MOST of the guys were hot like Hunter, Blake, Shane, and Dustin. I love how the new colors were original.


I think that Power Rangers Ninja Storm will continue on with Power Rangers Dino Thunder.

I would love to see the two set of Rangers in one show (or should I say season).


This was like the best season ever!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved it!!!!!! It is sad that it is over. We should petition to get it back!!!!!!!!!!!1


Yes it is the best power rangers ever. I like it more than dino thunder, spd and mistic force!!! I want a 2dn season too with the whole cast. We want then back


YES! make a petition already!!! too bad itll have to be a fake one..but it could be real! we could make it so long..itll have to be sent to them producers or something then... it might just be made a 2nd season! just thinking...

i think blake and tori lux cute.. hehehe..

u think if there will really b a 2nd season they'll actually work out? just asking..


ok yeah 2nd season of NS that would be cool...cept have Cams dad as a human this time..also this is one of the best at first i didnt like it but when i watched it i was like thats a good PR



They should have more rangers along with the originals in the second season and have a new storyline. Like the Fire Rangers or something like that. Tori was hot too.



yeah they should add a few more rangers to spice the show , but if we want that to happen we need to make a petition soon and send letters and stuff to disney. if someone will start the petition i will sign it for sure


i wanted Tori and Blake to kiss. would it have damaged the show for those two to share a romantic kiss? i loved this series and would love to see more, but they ended it so well. here's a way to bring back Ninja Storm, dubbed the Japanese movie of the Hurricane Rangers and make it a made-for-TV movie event then have like you said Fire Rangers, or a third female Thunder Ranger who falls for Cam or one of the Bradley Brothers. Go Power Rangers, Go Ninja Storm!


i just thought dustin was cute....*sigh* haha i can't believe i wrote this bulletin 3 years ago! but yeah i loved ninja storm it was the best!

No ma'am, we at the FBI do not have a sense of humor that we are aware of.
