A Little Research Help?

Alright guys, I'm gonna ask you all to help me out here. :-D
I'm doing some I-Search paper on a topic that interests me. Of course, I picked Power Rangers.

This is like a survey. I would seriously appreciate it if those of you preferably age 14 and up, and if you like Power Rangers, if you could give me a short explanation as to why. Why still interested in Power Rangers? I sure am!

If you're younger that's ok, it's a message board so have fun.
You can also tell me if there's only a certain season you enjoy, to clear things up.

I guess also need your permission to use your words, so PLEASE, if you DO give me permission, at the end of your explanation do this: *prmsn*
Just to let me know.

I would really love it if you guys would help me out!
Thanks in advance you guys!!! :-D

]->Let's Bust Out In Song, & Dance Like There's No Tomorrow!<-[
