How old is Jason Chan (Cam)?

I know it's not uncommon for the teenage rangers to be played by actors in their 20's, but IMDB has his birthday listed as December 1, 1971. That would have made him about 30 when he did the show!?! Can anyone comfirm whether or not this is accurate?


That's true Jason, in real life, is about 30ish, sorry but I don't have the TV Week (or something else) issue of when they did Playhouse Disney thingie since I read it while I was waiting to get my hair cut, as for birthday, listed it as 12-1-1973


This is his real birthday.


he has 35 years old but he looks like 21
in some cases older persons looks like younger
in other cases younger persons looks like older


Yeah, I read that he is. He is clearly gifted with young looks, so he could pass himself off as a Ranger in his early 20's easily. Also I read that acting is really just a side thing for him. He is also a medical doctor. Yeah, that's right.. he's Dr. Jason Chan! And he practices in his home country of Australia. (In a couple of episodes I could here his American accent slip briefly and his real Australian one come through.)



Altrough the years he has, jason is really cute.


If I say he is cute is because I want to be as cute as him.


I never thought he looked all that young but to be 30?? thats a suprise. i would have guessed 20's or so.


Say that to me, I'll going to have 20 years old this october and I look like 25


Im turning 20 next year but i still look 14


my mum works with jason chan

i love ROSWELL
Anna sophia Robb rocks the world

