Scariest villain

For me it was Count Spankulot. That was the worst one.

This show came out when I was 9, but sometime around the time I was 12 my younger cousins were watching as well. A cute family show for the whole family.

I remember telling my 6 year old cousin that my Dad was Count Spankulot. He just looked confused and laughed, because I don't think he got it. Seriously though, this villain was the worst. I got a sick feeling just thinking about the Count's "power" or "punishment." Whatever you call it, Count Spankulot was scary.

So which villain was the worst to you?


I agree! I mean I find him kind of a creepy villian now though. Not like in the scary way, but the other way! I mean he just goes around just spanking other people's children. o_O


Yeah. It is weird.
