Hard to watch

I love this show but it's hard to watch the way the girls treated Paul & the things they said to him knowing what happened later. Things like "drop dead" or "I hate you," it's awful. I never said those kinds of things to my parents. I recently lost my dad at the same age John Ritter was & it makes the show even harder to watch but now that I'm going through it I realize what a good job they did with handling his death on the show.


I think it is typical teenage behavior


I must not be a typical teenager then, I never said anything like that to my parents. It shouldn't even be considered "typical" because it's just so disrespectful.


Umm tigers fan 07 no no your not a teen at all really ppl really


That made absolutely no sense.



Hey I was born in '75, grew up in the 80's, I never talked to my parents that way, I'll confess I was noticing some kids were starting to say things like that, but I never told my parents to "drop dead", not only because I didn't want to, but I would have gotten whooped royal for saying something like that.


Teenagers say that stuff all the time. I do not think you were a typical teenager if you didn't. Teens do not think of what they are really saying when they are upset.


They did actually address this after he died. They find an article he wrote about his children and he says that his relationship with his dad was very different as they never expressed any feelings to each other but he took it as a positive that they felt comfortable saying those things as he knew they didn't mean it. Every time they said "I hate you", he heard "I love you".


I guess I wasn't typical either, neither were most kids I grew up around, oh, I got mad at my parents at times, who doesn't, but I never thought of saying "Drop Dead" to them.

If I had I wouldn't be sitting down for a week.


No. It's not.

