Harryhausen piano

Many sources claim that the film includes a piano with "Harryhausen" marked on it (a tribute to one of the great animators). Where is this piano? Could someone please tell me which scene and timecode? Thank you.


I know there was one in "The Corpse Bride". Dunno about this movie though.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


I know about the piano in the Corpse Bride, but the sources insist that it also occurs in this film. The problem is I've watched this film many times and I cannot see a piano at all, let alone the mention of Harryhausen.




Ray Harryhausen, the famous stop-motion director paid a visit to the set.

*There is no such thing as reality only what we perceive through our poor inadequate senses*
