Worst CG EVER in a Movie?

Just recently saw this movie for the first time (caught it on TV), the premise isn't bad and with theme could have actually been cool, but one of the big things that ruins this movie is the absolutely god awful CGI. This movie has to have the absolute worst CG than any other Hollywood movie ever made, does anyone else think there is one worse?


I just recorded this film off one of the movie channels, and started to watch. The premise is ingenious and enjoyable - but the terrible CGI makes it almost unwatchable.

I don't know if there's worse CGI in a supposed MAJOR motion picture - it's terrible. And visually the Nautilus looks nothing like the Nautilus from Jules Verne's novel (it was mistaken for a sea monster), and far too large as well.

I turned it off during the ridiculous "car chase" scene in Venice; the overuse of CGI, especially CGI this bad, made me lose interest. IF the CGI is bad, maybe the filmmakers should choose to not make half of the movie in CGI?


Van Helsing is much worse. It's so bad it borders on hilarious.


Ha, I was about suggest Van Helsing. Or even The Thing (2011).

You are sin.
