
Is it recommended that I see 'Blind Spot' (2002) prior to watching Downfall? Any feedback would be welcome.

Not only is it possible, it is essential


Not necessary, but I did watch Blind Spot last year and saw Downfall last night. I didn't know there would be portions of the interview with Hitler's secretary at the opening and closing of Downfall, but certainly it was appropriate. I would say it's not a requirement, but can give you some preparation for what you see occurring in the bunker in Downfall. Although the film begins with the sense that this is simply going to be a dramatic reinactment of her life with Hitler, the film instead commits itself to telling the stories of all of inner Berlin in those final days.

Perhaps seeing Downfall before Blind Spot would give the viewer a greater level of respect for what this woman encountered in those years of service.


I would recomment to watch "Blind Spot" after "Downfall". Mainly because Downfall is not a pure documentary and they have taken a few small liberties. They didn't stick 100% to what Junge said in the interviews. Although the changes are only very minor they would have disturbed me if I had seen Blind Spot before Downfall.


It doesn't matter which order you see it in, just be sure to see both!


It's not necessary, although seeing it after as I did will help you to fill in many biographical gaps. For instance, Traudl Junge is married and her husband is killed while she is Hitler's secretary, but the movie Downfall does not allude to this at all.

I am big. It's the pictures that got small....
