*Spoilers* Those cops

Those cops that broke into Asher's room and started ransacking were a bunch of pricks. One of them tells Asher to be quiet, even though it is Asher's house, meanwhile the other two pigs start pulling out and dumping the books from Asher's bookcase, making it a mess. And of course, they coincidentally find pot (without a search warrant from the start) and bust Asher, along with the girl who had nothing to do with it. That scene just makes me hate those three pigs.


He shouldn't have had the pot...


True, but they shouldn't have searched without a warrant. Still, it was pot, and they could have found it and left it. But they had to obey a mindless law and do their duty. All in all, it's Congress' fault for illegalizing an innocent plant.


True they should have had a warrant and they were dumb @sses for not having one but they're cops and its their job to enforce the law. Till it's not against the law to have that innocent plant it's hard for me to feel sorry for them. I'm going with the Cops on this one.



Yes, they must carry out their job, but they should practice it legally. If you bust someone's home without a warrant or permission of the house owner, then you would be abusing the law, obstructing justice. They carried-out their job illegally. Just because Congress says something is illegal, doesn't entirely mean that it is bad. It is dangerous that Congress can pass laws that determine the illegality of substances, because they would not do it out of moral convictions, but out of monetary benefit. Government cannot tax marijuana, and so they illegalize it, and use their branch of the media to vilify it. The only reason why a plant- which has been perfectly acceeptable in this country until thw 1930s- has been made illegal, is because many beaucratic cowards behind their desks have guns that enforce us to obey, even if disobeying them is a good thing. Cops are among them. They must carry out their duty, because it is their job. But if there are limits to ways of its practice, then they also must oblige. These cops did not go according to their obligatory regulations. But, this is a good sign, because, by law, they cannot charge Douglas' son, based on their illegal procedure. So it would mean that in an unpresented epilogue, Douglas' son won't be prosecuted, if the American justice system avoids that usual tradition of injustice. I feel sorry for the pot growers because the pot might be illegal, but the opinions of cowardly, Washington fat-cats are not absolute...pot growers are victims of avaricious politicians and brainwashed law enforcers. I spoke my part in cotradiction, and I still respect your choice :)
