The Crow?

I doubt anyone will have an answer for this, but I'm confused about the ending. I'm not speculating on what was in the town, because no one has a real answer for that. I just didn't get the crow and especially the photographs. Thoughts?


ill say


i think the photographs were just to add a little something to the movie. i had no idea about the ending, i totally didnt get the whole deal with the crow either


i think the photographs were taken by the crow...notice how we saw the crow an awful lot.. like in hte begging wen we first sa wthe town when the dad goes up stair to see what was making the noise the thing that hits the car window...was a crow what ever was in the cave could fly i think it was somehting that was half human half crow liek a vampire u no can switch from a bat to a human form well i think thats what it is cse it can fly and run(wen it was running to get in fornt of the car)but wen the car hit it it was a i think this bird posses ppl or takes over their bodies or makes them into crows also....


correct me if im wrong, but isnt the crow one of the american indian occult symbols? The symbol they made with the cars also looked like an ancient indian symbol. perhaps the sign of the crow? Maybe its a combination of the atomic test, mutating people in the town, when they went below ground to hide they disturbed the burial places and that was pennance? I really didnt catch the ending, I had to take a leak. so I dont know what exactly happened.


im wondering how hitting one person could flip a big SUV completely over when it should have squished it flat...
and wut happened to Ethan in the desert..he definitely didnt seem like himself when they brought him back...
and what was really up with the ending?
i was so confused...first i understood it then the ending came and i was really questioning myself as to wether i really understood it at all...


i think what happend to ethan was what happend to the people who were there before like the girl who was on the tape and then near the end they saw her at the diner place maybe the mutant people take over their bodys or something.


It's one of those movies where you have to really use your imagination for.
