the alien...

The alien that died on earth... does it remind anyone of some other alien? Something from Star Trek TNG or the movie Enemy Mine? As I am currently watching this movie, and seem to have some vague sense of recognition... I was just wondering.


I thought the alien looked a bit familiar, too. But I think that's because all the alien masks are made after a similar pattern: nose hidden as good as you can, funny skin color and eyes, some tentacles, scales or ridges to distract. All TNG aliens were made like that, and the one from Enemy Mine, too.

I don't think this one imitated a particular alien, though.



The Alien does remind me of somebody on Star Trek TNG. You are thinking of the Benzite alien (they have blue skin but the same face and special vapour things that they breathe on their clothes. Wesley Crusher's friend Mordoc (star fleet academy trials)


The alien is actually the alien who brought all this together. His race was involved in the resurection of the entire human race. Read the novels. They are so much superior to this piece of junk of a movie.


He looks like an alien from the outer limits I think. I would like to read the book now, hope it explains things more. What I don't get is if the aliens resurrected us how come the alien is stuck there with all the humans, couldn't he be rescued? Is that explained in the book?


Haha! Sorry for responding to this 3 years after the original post... Yah, the Alien in this moovie (And I do not know if there was actually a character like this in the original Phillip Jose Farmer Boox) looks a LOT the the BENZITE who was featured in two episodes of Star Treck:The Necxt Generation ("A Matter of Honour" - Where Riker is a "Foreign Exchance Commander" to a Klingon Ship, which is rotting away by a space-bacteria, the Benzite is featured as finding out how to stop the bacteria)


Enemy mine.

Apparently the series of books was driven into the ground by farmer.

Just another cynical excuse to rip readers off!
Apparently the books were illogical rubbish written like the series Lost which also cheated the viewer as well!
