MovieChat Forums > Boksuneun naui geot (2002) Discussion > One thing I never understood

One thing I never understood

I love this film so much, it's very powerful and emotional and probably my favourite in the Vengeance trilogy.

But one thing I could never grasp was how do the police and Mr Park get on to the trail of Ryu and his girlfriend?

I must be missing something - I can follow the film perfectly up until the death of Mr Park's daughter and his grieving, but then he's suddenly tracking Ryu down and i'm not understanding how he makes the initial connection, his first clue.


I think it has something to do with the woman on the radio that Ryu wrote to about his sister. He later does a painting of him burying his sister by the sea, and Park recognizes it as the place where his daughter was found.

It's been long time since I saw it, but that's what I remember. Hope that helps.


Nah, he is already IN their old apartment at that point when he hears the neighbors listening to that radio station and that leads him there.

The Original poster makes a good point - I missed the first clue as well. There seemed to be a lot of parts in the beginning that they seemed to skip, Like - when did the actual kidnapping take place? Did the sister kill herself? I was kind of fuzzy on what exactly happened there - ? It appeared the sister did not know they kidnapped the girl - it seemed like she was under the impression they were babysitting her for the father. It then seemed like she found out Ryu lost his job...but then kills herself with the little girl still there in the other room? That seemed odd.

I can only assume they got on Ryu's trail the same way they checked the other guy (who slashed Park's hand) - by visiting those who were fired. (I also was not sure what the deal was with THAT guy's family? - They were all dead, except that one little boy? It was not clear what was supposed to have happened there.

All I know is I loved Oldboy, and loved this (despite some odd questions) -- and I am checking out Lady Vengeance next (All on "watch it now on Netflix by the way)


I read around on some other posts and see where I did get a little lost on the fact that Park's daughter was the FRIEND of the boss's daughter - makes sense now -- but makes the initial "Clue" even more elusive...I have to rewatch - I remember the police bringing the father some evidence with red smudged writing..and they ask "it's a woman's you regognize it?" -- but again I do not see a connection yet....



He can read lips, I think.



But why were they even in Ryu's apartment?

And why would Ryu make a painting of the crime in the postcard? Ryu never even saw her drown, so how did he know what it would look like?


I believe that the police recovered a phone number that Ryu's sister gave the little girl. This led theme to the apartment.



And how did they even get the little girl?


What do you mean? They found her dead next to the river. I think you need to rewatch it.


I don't need to rewatch *beep*

How did they kidnap the girl? One scene they're spying next they're playing with her in a park.



The sister killed herself after finding the severance pay letter in Ryu's pants pocket. She confirms over the phone he has been without a job and I think she puts 2 and 2 together as to why the little girl is there.

As for the painting Ryu did of the little girl in the water, he didn't see her drown actually, but he saw her in the water. Enough to know that it was his fault she died.

The little girl tells the sister she misses not having a mother to braid her hair. The sister writes her phone number down and tells the little girl to call her anytime, that she is there alone and bored always. I think the police found this on the girl and showed it to Park. They could have easily traced the address to that number. Then again, Park is asked if he has wronged anyone. He says no, says he has led an honest life. Then he remembers he just fired a bunch of people and he visits with the police that one man's house, who had cut himself in front of Park and family. Again, putting 2 and 2 together.



i believe that piece of paper that was found at the crime scene detailing the severance pay with the red thumbprint that was seen runny all over the paper was
a recognizable company document by park.


no, the piece of paper is ryu's sister's phone number. it's a series of numbers in a "woman's handwriting"

a few scenes earlier, ryu's sister wrote down her phone number and gave it to the little girl while ryu was not there, after she says that she wishes she had a mom to braid her hair like the other little girls.
