Netflix DVD or Stream?

Netflix lists their dvd at 129 minutes but the instant stream at 121 minutes. Has anybody seen both versions? Is the difference big? If it is, I'll wait and get the dvd, but if it's not much of a difference, I'd rather not waste the time.


The official running time is 129 minutes although I'm not aware of any alternate versions.


True, that is what OP means I think. I noticed the 129 min. official time but there are three running times:

129 min | Japan:117 min | UK:121 min

OP and I too would like to know if this is what Netflix is currently streaming just the UK version and if there is a large difference between that and the orig. run time of 129. Anyone?


Well I just looked it up and I could find nothing to suggest that any of Park's films differ in content internationally because of censorship. I'd be surprised if Japan saw any reason to censor Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance given how tame it is in comparison to something like Ichi the Killer.


Oh wow, I watched this streaming and felt confused at certain points, like something had been edited out! I wonder if that is in fact the case.


My first time watching the film was via the Netflix stream and I loved it, although some subtitles were missing for written materials (such as the note that Ryu's sister leaves him).


Was the note at the end translated? Or anything he was saying before the credits rolled? The version I watched online didn't translate any of the text messages or letters.


Strange. I just watched it using a service called 'MUBI', not knowing it was also in Netflix. It's off now, but I remember it being 129 minutes, while Netflix has it at 121 min. Lady Vengeance's runtime is different on both sites too, except it's a little bit longer on Netflix (115 min, while on MUBI, it's 112 min).


The length of the movie on the Tartan Video DVD I got from Netflix is incorrectly described as 129 min. on the sleeve and as approx. 122 min. on the DVD. It is exactly 120 min. and 57 seconds long.
I would also like to know what was cut out in the missing 9 minutes.
The subtitles do translate most of the letters and most of the sign language.
