MovieChat Forums > Willard (2003) Discussion > Bambi's Mother (it relates, I swear.......

Bambi's Mother (it relates, I swear....)

I watched Bambi when I was five and didn't cry when his mother got shot.
Old Yeller I observed with stoic detatchment.
Titanic put me to sleep.
I love movies, but it is very hard for me to be moved by "sad" films.(And I mean no disrespect here.)It's just that they are simply not real. I find it hard to care about the imaginary plight of imaginary people to the point that I shed tears for their imaginary hardships.
Willard moved me.
I will probably be mocked for this.
I will probably deserve it.
But it is the truth. I never for a moment felt like I was watching a horror movie.(The assumption I had when renting it from Blockbuster.) From the very begining, I felt certian the thing I watched unfold before me was the most sublime of tragedies.
I felt compassion for Willard. My heart ached for his lonliness, his utter helplessness. I watched horrified as his universe collapsed, as all that was good in his life (precious little that there was) withered. I didn't cry when Socretes died because I would not watch the screen.
Perhaps it was Crispins performance.(In a word, brilliant.)
Perhaps it was the atmospere.
Perhaps I was simply caught by surprise.
But Willard will be forever remembered by me as one of the saddest, cruelist, and most moving films I have ever seen.
I loved it.

I'm 50% Irish. The other half is French. I like to get drunk and surrender.


Wow, sounds very sweet. I too think that it's a great and very beautiful film.
Anyway, you described it perfectly and all I have to say is "Damn right!"


Thank you.

I'm 50% Irish. The other half is French. I like to get drunk and surrender.


i thought this movie was tragic. i felt so sorry for poor Willard and nearly cried when his boss killed Socrates. but his lonliness and the cruelty he puts up with his so heart-wrenchingly sad.

A Robin Redbreast in cage puts all of heaven in a rage.
