This is for anyone who absolutely loved Wanker and thinks that it's *beep* that it tanked in the box office this weekend.

-People seriously need to see this movie more than once.

-If you are under 17, please bring your parents to see this movie (Are We Done Yet? does not need the money, Wanker does)

I just don't understand how people can see Blades of Glory which is the same recycled Will Ferrell crap. Hollywood actually produced an original, entertaining movie and if it bombs they will be even less likely to take risks like this. They are thinking of splitting the movies in a few weeks which completely defeats the purpose of the original idea. We need to show Hollywood that it is ok to take risks and produce movies that are original and not just recycled crap/remakes and/or sequels.

Come on, Wanker -- you cannot beat that.



that way we have to save this greath film




C'mon, everyone, lend a helping hand!


will do
