MovieChat Forums > A Mighty Wind (2003) Discussion > What's your favorite song?

What's your favorite song?

I like "Never did no wanderin." Both versions.


Everybody sing along:

Oh, a mighty wind's a blowin', it's kicking up the sand,
It's blowin' out a message to every woman, child, and man,
Yes, a might wind's a blowin', 'cross the land and 'cross the sea,
It's blowin' peace and freedom, it's blowin' equality.

That's my favorite song. Here are the group songs:

Mitch and Mickey: When You're Next to Me
Main Street Singers: Never Did No Wanderin'
Folksmen (the best folk group, bar none): Eat at Joe's (contains a lot of silly lyrics in the chorus)


"A Kiss At The End Of The Rainbow" by Mitch & Mickey -- I'm still peeved that it didn't get the Oscar for Best Original Song.

"I know I'm not normal -- but I'm trying to change!" ~ Muriel's Wedding


I think "A Mighty Wind" is the best song. "Kiss...Rainbow" is really sweet, and "Old Joes Place" is great, but "Mighty Wind" out does them all.
Kind of a nice mix of Blowing in the wind and This land is your land....

There's a time and a place for everything. And it's called College. Do you understand?


Mitch and Mickey, "When You're Next To Me", that is my all time favorite song...the rest of them all run a close second.

I'm not trying to be just always works out that way.


I'm with you. The LOTR song was a fine song, but it wasn't really part of the movie.

'A Kiss At The End Of The Rainbow' could have actually gone up for Best Supporting Actor/Actress!


I have lost all respect for the Oscars. Haven't watched one since. A true travesty that Kiss At the End of the Rainbow lost. Not that I didn't like the LOTR music but it is so rare that a song is so integral to the theme and characters.

Plus it was a darn good song.


Actually, I think 'Into The West' was the best song that year. And the perfect ending to that trilogy of movies - captured the melancholy ending of the books and the movies just right.


Mitch and Mickey - When You're Next to Me, by far. I think it's gorgeous



That's mine too! When You're Next To ME is a great song and written by Eugene Levy.


I agree, When You're Next to Me is actually a great song. I love The Good Book Song, Wanderin', A Mighty Wind, and The Catheter Song as well, but no song even comes close to the first one.

He said it's all in your head, and I said, so's everything--
But he didnt get it.


"When You're Next To Me" is far and away the best song, for a multitude of reasons, most of all, it has none of those tongue-in-cheek lyrics that all the other songs have that tweak the folk genre. Yes, even "Kiss At the End of the Rainbow," has them.

This is a real song, with a beautifully contoured melody, perfect for that kind of melodic duet style they did so damn well. Great lyrics.


I say we be BOLD and open with "Wanderin'"!


Uhh, what about the Sure-Flo song?
I'm kidding. It's hard to pick, but I really like "When You're Lying Next to Me" or "A Mighty Wind."

Of course you're all right. You're alive.


"One More Time." Eugene and Catherine wrote it together, and it expresses Mitch and Mickey to a T. I actually like every single song of theirs on the album.


Blood On The Coal
When You're Next to Me
A Mighty Wind
!! Corn Wine !!


1. When You're Next to Me

2. A Mighty Wind

3. A Kiss at the End of the Rainbow

4. Never Did No Wanderin' (Folksmen)

5. The Good Book Song

All the songs in the movie are terrific.

Last films seen:
A Mighty Wind (2003) 10/10
Benny & Joon (1993) 8/10



"Start Me Up," although it's only on the OST album and not in the film.

"I prefer to remember things my own way ... not necessarily the way they happened."


Three words - EA... A... ...OE'S!

I love the Folksmen version of "Start Me Up" on the soundtrack too; I have a recording of them doing that live (from opening at a Spinal Tap show) and it's even better. "Corn Wine" is a definite favorite too.

