MovieChat Forums > A Mighty Wind (2003) Discussion > Takes me back in time...hated folk music

Takes me back in time...hated folk music

This movie takes me back in time to the '50' and early/mid-60's and reminds me just how much I absolutely HATED folk music!!! The Limelighters, Peter, Paul, and Mary, Joan Baez, that "Hang-down-your- head-Tom-Dooley" bunch, and all the rest. Thank God for the the Beatles, the British blues invasion and when Dylan went electric. Thought for awhile there that I was gonna have to shoot myself in the face or something. Sheeeeesh!!! Justifiable death to all folkies, all hootenannies, and all white, middle-class, liberal arts students majoring in Sociology or Psychology. Let my people go...


You're quite hostile.


Perhaps you should have shot yourself in the face.


"Justifiable death to all folkies, all hootenannies, and all white, middle-class, liberal arts students majoring in Sociology or Psychology."

Laughing my a** off here 'cause I couldn't have said it better myself !!
I'm not as hostile as you but I hear ya !! I was a little kid during that period so 'Puff' was a song I liked. I tried to get into/understand the whole scene but when the Beatles/Stones/Kinks hit our shores, thats all she wrote. BTW, wasn't there a TV show called "Hootenanny" ?? My father thought they were all 'commies' LOL !!


Bob Dylan was a major part of the folk music scene. Him and Johnny Cash.


You might like Tom Leher
He has a similar attitude toward folk music
