
I actually think this game would make a great movie if made right. It would be like mad max or the running man. If done wrong, it could be another rollerball. Who would you get to direct and cast?

Sweet Tooth-Gary Busey
Calypso-Christopher Walken
Mr. Grimm-Sam Rockwell
No Face-James Gandolfini

Director-David Fincher or Ridley Scott


Director: Alex Proyas (he's good at dark movies. See The Crow or Dark City.)

Sweet Tooth/Minion: Till Lindemann of Rammstein (He looks like Sweet Tooth)
Calypso: Marilyn Manson (He's dark and creepy... just like Calypso)
Black: Kane Hodder (Great stuntman... played as Jason Voorhees)
No Face: Bruce Campbell (Evil Dead movies...gotta love 'em)
Shadow: Julia C (The hostess of Uranium looks just like her.)
Mr. Grimm: The guy who played Jacob from Jacobs Ladder (Mr. Grimm was based on this movie)
Manslaughter: Vin Diesel (...what? Stop looking at me like that)

Nine Inch Nails
Rob Zombie/White Zombie
Marilyn Manson
Rolling Stones (duh!)
Black Label Society

Say Hello To My Little Friend!


Ummm... Black is the driver of Manslaughter. I think Vin Diesel would kick a$$ as Cage though. And which would be the star? I'd say either NoFace or Sweet Tooth.

"Shut up and bleed, you mother****er"- Sweet Tooth


Sorry, got Black and Cage switched up there. o.o
It'd have to be Sweet Tooth, the whole game was set in his mind.

Say Hello To My Little Friend!



Twisted metal (2001) was before Identity (2003). Anyway, I think roadkill would make a good protagonist and the movie could have a Duel (spielberg) kind of theme where he realizes that he's in too deep and he by the end sweettooth is pursuing him in a dark and relentless chase. The director should just try to cut back on the cheesiness that videogame movies usually have and just be creative. Game movies can be good if put in the right hands. And as for a side note, a sequel to Twisted Metal Black has been officially announced!


Do you think if they were to make a movie it would work with just the characters without the cars.


No, you need the cars, the cars are what make the game! Twisted Metal without cars would be like X-Men without Wolverine.



Not that you have to get mad about it, but you just worded it a little weird. Frankie say relax.


The moment i played TW Black and saw Cage i said to myself,they should make a movie,and Vin Diesel would fit Axel PERFECTLY,it would be a great movie if directed right and if expensive effects are used not some crappy ones,and it would make me very happy,i have been a fan of the series since the 1st game.

"24"!January 9 2005


hey guys how about Micheal jai white(Spawn)as axel??


hey how about the guy who did all the mad max movies.


if there is a movie.. are basing it on tm black or all of them because i'd like to see every charactor from the first and second games like hammerhead thumper twister pit viper original outlaw grasshopper mr slam and i like the original warthog and the original outlaws and sense you see sweet tooth on every cover of the twisted metal games and according to twisted metal 4 sweet tooth is the star of twisted metal and sweet tooth should be the main charactor i would pay to this i've been actualy thinking of writting it...i dont want to change the story around but if you havent noticed in every game the storys sort of change and i havent played the forth one i rented it but i never had a chance to play it was it really that bad ive played the fourth one you got to be rob zombie that was kind of surreal and dosent twisted metal black seem like a remake to you mean with curtain levels like the suberbs and downtown and the free ways and when you kill your enemys in that game you hear screaming that sounds like in the first one when you run over some one that sounds like the very same scream or maybe its just because 989 studios dosnt control it any more......i'm sorry for going on about my long sentence i gotta go do something Bye
