
I heard a rumor from a few friends that if you pay close attention you discover 2 and Black are inside of Marcus's head. If you beat two as Marcus, you wake up in a hospital bed and it turns out you and some others were in a pile up, everyone else is till in a coma. The other people are the contestants. There is still some debate on whether Marcus was originally in the real world or if he was sent there. In Twisted Metal Black, Marcus, dressed as the very first Twisted Metal winner (Minion), says he is hiding from someone. A lot of people have said it's Sweet Tooth he is hiding from but I think it's actually Calypso. If Calypso had sent him into the real world, he would be trying to get him to bring Twisted Metal into the real world instead of just in Marcus's head. Calypso is like inside of him, whats left of his nightmare, and is trying to take over him. Just a strange idea. Got it when right after beating all of 1, 2, and Black I decided to watch Jacobs Ladder.

Question: But what about TM1? Was it real or was it part of Marcus's mind too?

Say Hello To My Little Friend!






A few more clues to Sweet Tooth's hating cops are:

Darkside has a cop car strapped to the front of her vehicle, meaning that anytime she uses her special she smashes that cop car into someone.


Any of the contestants who happen to work for the government or whatever get killed in their ending. Roadkill (ended up being FBI, gets shot by Calypso) and Stone (got shot by the kidnapper) are the only ones that I can think of for this right now.

