One thing bothered me....

It was Charlie Hunnan's accent, in some parts he sounded almost American. There was something about the way he spoke that niggled me all the way through.

Nathan Lane was a random casting but everytime I heard him speaking I couldn't help thinking of Timon (an English version.) : D

I thought Jamie Bell was brilliant.


Yep, his accent is diabolical. Believe it or not he's from Newcastle I think. His accent is even worse in Green Street in which he makes Dick Van Dyke sound like he was born in Essex.


Nothing much to add except that I couldn't agree with you more. Especially when he told Smike "speed and silence are of the essence" in Squeer's rented room, I cringed. Sounded completely American. I see he is from Newcastle and that he lives in the US, but the switching between American and north England-English was distracting.


Yes, his accent is awfully odd, at points seeming almost German.
