Halo Anime Greenlit

The BONES, Casio Entertainment, Production I.G., Studio 4°C, and Toei Animation anime studios are animating Halo Legends, a DVD anthology of seven short films based on Microsoft Studios'

Halo game franchise. Microsoft's creative staff is approving the visual and storytelling. Two of the creative directors are Frank O'Connor of 343 Industries and Shinji Aramaki (Appleseed). Aramaki's short will cover the history of the Spartan warrior class from the games. Studio 4°C will animate two 30-minute shorts about "the entire 100,000 year history of the Halo universe."

Warner Brothers will release the anthology on DVD, Blu-ray Disc, and digital distribution in early 2010. A trailer is planned for the Halo panel at San Diego's Comic-Con International on Thursday, and Xbox 360 users can see a preview this fall on the Xbox Live service.

http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2009-07-23/halo-legends-to-be-ani mated-by-5-japanese-studios


Warning. The stupid fanboys are completley unwelcoming of it, despite the trailer looking good. Just look at the comments on one of the trailers on Youtube. It once again prooves that the game's fanbase consists of racist whiney 12-year-olds.

NaruSaku fans- They support Domestic Violence.


Thats the multiplayer fanbase and have you seen all the sh*t in youtube? People will say anything.

“A ridiculously small group of my most incompetent and silliest troops awaits them."


(Praying fervently)Please,let the anime get scrapped,God...If you grant this wish,I'll never sin again...

I hate anime(esp. when it comes to Halo)
