True Story?

After watching this movie I thought it was fiction but then I noticed something... The character's "Mexican" name is Juan Carlos. The actor's name in real life is "John Carlos"... Coincidence? Though probably not a true story maybe the actor relates to it. With a name like John Carlos (An american first name, and a hispanic middle name) maybe this was his way of embracing his culture? Any thoughts?


It is not a true story, but contains some elements of truth. I heard the actor/writer talking about it. He did live in a border town and as a Mexican-American, he didn't want to be associated with the los mexicanos maltratados, but as he got older, he understood the reasons why the mexican immigrants wanted to come to the United States, and the trials and tribulations they faced in doing so.

It's low-budget, but I liked the story. The only thing that bothered me is that when the Mexican people are alone, they speak English (unrealistic). This should have been a foreign film with English subtitles.


John Carlos Frey is descended from a Swiss-American father and a naturalized citizen Mexican-American mother. Though born in Tijuana, because of his parentage he was entitled to US citizenship from birth, and apparently was raised in southern California.

Having said that much, it is noteworthy that his mother was once deported to Mexico despite already being a US citizen at the time. Apparently she found it impossible to convince the judge(s?) at the deportation hearing that she was, in fact, already a citizen.

It is my understanding that the plotline of this movie is fictional, but all of the plot elements are closely based on events that can and do happen.

"I don't deduce, I observe."
