Freedom Downtime

Freedom Downtime was a great film. Why have so few people bothered to review it? If you have seen it, please vote for it and review it!


Great documentary.
For me as a European, it just simply displays the total pisstake of the American Law, American Government, the FBI, the whole scam basically. It's quite amazing people live there. The way the country is run, has run and will run if some major changes aren't applied will leed to the downfall of the 'Superpower'.

Nuff said. Everyone here knows it, they need to change. But as always, with money you can get anything, and as we all saw how Bush got to power, I sincerely hope something will change, for the better sake of, well,...everyone.

Hasta la victoria siempre (for those who just want a reason to say 'oh, don't listen to him, he's just another 'activist')...blah, I'm stoned plus, freedom of speech (yes, that does exist) so I can say whatever I want.


hey emilyblack18 dont diss america!!!!



To emilyblack18
Your absolutely right.


Emily, the problem with America today is that you need a license to cut hair, or a license to drive a cab, a license to sell food, and sometimes even a license to arrange flowers. Even though they let non-doctors fix soldiers bones, where they become *better* than trained doctors due to specialization, if they come home and try to open a clinic to repair bones they will be arrested. Zero innovation allowed, and efficiency is discouraged. It didn't used to be that way. Once America had taxes under 5%, barely any laws (just basic property laws) and not a lot of meddling politicians. That was when America was a magnet for people from all over the world, especially Europe where they were leaving by the boatloads every hour.

Then things started changing when the politicians started lusting for more power and grabbing more wealth from the free people of America until we can no longer call ourselves free anymore. In short, the politicians with no vision turned America back into Europe. If you look at indexes of economic freedom, the USA is only at #8, followed by Denmark at #9. That's pretty sad:


i don't think a lot off people actually saw this movie. (which is a shame)
it's a great movie. i can't wait for the DVD release (which was sceduled at the end of 2003??)

news anyone?




Agree, thank you Meijer78.

I've just watched Freedom Downtime too and feel like you - I've left a message over at Takedown to come here.

Just want to add my support for this film and urge anyone who reads this to find it and watch it to find out more about the REAL Mitnick case.
