Zip/Catchers parents?

I'm wondering about this picture and who they are. I know that often, when a picture like this is used in a film or on TV, it is a chance to put in something personal to the director or actors. Could this couple really be the parents of someone in the production?

It seemed to me that the picture was a little out of place to me. Mainly, it's time frame doesn't seem to be from 1962, but instead from the late 70s or early 80s. But it is shown so quick that it was ok for the film. The following reason:

1. It it not a typical photo of the early 1960's. Mainly, the background. That clouded background became most popular in the late 70s and especially during the 80s. Think of almost every High School grad photo or other portrait. Portraits from the early 60s more commonly had a flat color with a shadowing effect instead.

2. The mothers hair - was it popular as early as '62? It looks almost identical to the hair of the mother in "That 70's Show". To me this style also seems to be more of the late 70s to early 80s. Although I have to admit that it is also similar to the character "Alyssia Carlyle Pewter", mother of David Hyde Pierces character in the movie "Isn't She Great" about Jacqueline Suzann - which took place in 1966. Although, even in the case of that character, her hair was shorter and more refined which I think would have been the standard for such a conservative haircut in '66. They wouldn't have allowed it to grow out bigger like the mother in this picture until well after the cultural revolution of '68 and wouldn't have gotten to the more conservative and blue collar parts of the country until the mid-70's like in "That 70's Show". (We know that Catcher was probably of the blue collar class because he described as being a "self-made" man). And being the primary basic style of Queen Elizabeth II still today, it can be found - especially in the UK.

3. The mothers dress - also seems a bit late for 1962. Again in the late 70s or early 80s.

Of course I could be totally wrong, and maybe the pic really is from '62 or there about. But for some reason it screams out to me that it's not. I think it's mainly that background that seems wrong - and the hair.

Anyone have any ideas or know who this couple is?
