Ewan Accent Troubles

I kept hearing his Scottish accent slipping in along with his British...did anyone else notice this and did it annoy you?



I never assumed he was American - I don't think he seriously attempted to pull of a US accent, except as Zip.

"The dead do not suffer the living to pass"
"You will suffer me"


Catcher was supposed to have a Scottish accent...and as Zip he did an American Southern accent. And his Scottish accent slipped through a couple of times on purpose, as part of the film.

"Have you ever fired your gun in the air and gone 'AHHHH!'?" -Hot Fuzz


He is supposed to have his regular voice in the movie. He actually talks like that! Look I want rip you to shreads even though this made me quite angry. Don't even type something that you don't know what you are typing about! Sorry, that slipped out!

moulinrouge125410; ain't i the darndest thing.


I didn't really notice it yet--watching it on youtube but yeah! Every now and then I hear the accent but I don't mind it


He was supposed to have an accent; Barbara even comments on it when they are laying on the sofa bed and he finds an eyelash on her cheek ("You've got an eyelash") she then says that it sounded like he had a different accent just then.

I don't think his character was supposed to be American at all so there was no need to "hide" his natural Scottish accent.

"There's Got to be More to This Camouflage, More than Just Colour and Shade..."


MGflutie87, you "don't mind it"?
Since that is his natural accent, and he obviously isn't attempting to play an American, don't you think that comment is a little insulting?
He has a beautiful speaking voice, which is very easily understood.


I think the original poster was trying to say that Ewan was attempting a British accent, yet did so poorly. I don't think Ewan was attempting any different accent, other than his own. Never in the movie did it discuss his nationality of origin. I thought he did a great job with his american accent.


I heard it slipping here and there, but thought he held the british one down pretty good.

[From the Deleted Scenes]
Ewan - "Right...who am I again?"
Production Assist. - "Obi-Wan!"
Ewan - "Ok, got it."


The term "British accent" is actually doing my head in... as someone above said, Scotland is part of Britain, therefore the term "British accent" means *beep* all.


I don't remember where, but I once heard/read that all he was trying to do with Catch was a more sophisticated version of his natural accent. And I think he called Zip "standard American," and though I wouldn't call it that, it was adorable and perfect.

All Knowledge Is Worth Having


well..his accent as Zip as similar as in Big Fish..southern...nice..love it..

and his scottish accent is even sexier...thinking of him with a kilt.. gosh...
*I see dead people,I cut them open and I learn the truth*


"Zip" was a very exaggerated, Gomer Pyle/Forrest Gump, southern-hillbilly accent.

Since it was all part of the gag (the audience knows he is faking), it was amusing and worked.


4) You ever seen Superman $#$# his pants? Case closed.


I always find it funny when Americans say someone "has an accent".Everyone has an accent including Americans.What they seem to mean is the speaker dosn't have an American accent.

Gordon P. Clarkson


scots are absolutely dreadful at hiding their accents.
it always slips through.


Whoa, Moulinrouge, calm down! There's no need to rip someone to shreds just because they made an uneducated comment, that was probably innocent.

I myself at first thought he was supposed to be an Englishman, with a smidge of his natural Scottish accent slipping through.
I thought this because his natural Scottish accent is so soft and not as thick as many other Scottish accents I've heard (i.e. Alan Cumming's accent, Billy Boyd's accent, Sean Connery's...etc). I'm aware that not every Scottish accent is the same, but something about Ewan's in this movie just didn't register until I found this thread.

So please people, give others a little leeway. Just because they make what seems to you like an ignorant comment, it doesn't mean you need to rip them up one side and down the other. Just chill out and calmly explain their mistake.


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


To be perfectly honest, I'm the kind of person who has ear-orgasms to the Scottish accent, so there was no bother. By the way, the first person who commented that Scotland's part of Britain, I love you for restoring my faith in humanity and the education system.
