Legal question.....

If a retired government (FBI? I don't remember) agent is investigating a murder, and he approaches a suspicious car at the crime scene (suspicious because he's seen that car there before), with a shotgun in his hands, does he have the legal right/authority to start shooting at that car when the driver takes off at high speed (side note: apparently the engine was already running, and it was in DRIVE, since the driver seemed to take off without shifting from PARK to DRIVE)?

I would think no. The driver of the car could have been innocently waiting for someone, he sees a stranger approaching him with a weapon, and he quite reasonably takes off. I don't think an active duty officer would have had the right to start shooting.

I haven't read the book yet, was this scene in the book, or was it original to the film? I'm guessing they put it in to liven up the slow pace, feeling that it needed some action.

"My girlfriend sucked 37 d*cks!"
"In a row?"


This was something I was bothered by, too, as much as I enjoy seeing Clint striding down any street in broad daylight, blasting away. Along with the fact that SPOILER ALERT...

...Buddy is supposed to be babysitting at that time and the kid never lets on that he was either a)locked in a closet for two hours, or B) tied up in the back of a car that was shot up and t-boned.

Furthermore, basically Clint and the deputy cause that car accident. There was an innocent driver involved and the two law enforcers toss their weapons in their car and meander off at a liesurely pace, leaving someone battered in the street. McCaleb even makes a light joke of the fact that they can just take off because they didn't shoot anyone...but they caused an accident with an uninvolved citizen...

"Rampart: Squad 51."


I know the shooting scene is a little too Dirty Harry to be believable, but the first point about babysitting is one of the most mistaken complaints on this board.

When McCaleb returns to his boat, the boy says that he caught so many fish, Buddy had to go out for more bait. There's NO plot hole, it's explained how Buddy could be following McCaleb AND babysitting. He did both, and the boy truthfully backed his story. I suppose the line could've been delivered with a lot more clarity, because it obviously slipped past a lot of viewers.

wait for iiiiit...
