Clint's roles

It's about time Clint stopped playing these 'tough guy' roles and played something more fitting for his age


With the greatest respect euronick, you are suffering delusions if you think Terry McCaleb was a "tough guy "role for Clint. The opposite applies.

I think he took the role because he would be playing a seriously vulnerable person...not a "Dirty Harry" type character.

During the course of the movie the character suffers a heart attack, has a heart transplant, has to take medication and have "blood work (tests) done. He is frequently told by other characters that he looks unwell and is lucky not to suffer serious injury at the hands of one character (the Russian).

Yes he is an ex - FBI investigator, shoots a revolver and a shot gun a few times, but I don't think that qualifies as automatically making you "tough". I see him as extremely vulnerable...but determined.


"Firefox", "Absolute Power", "Blood Work" - in that order - three most comic (unintentionally comic) roles of Clint Eastwood.

"This shampoo is too strong!" from Casino Royal, 1967
