Ended too quick??

Anyone else think the series ended with so many things still up in the air with no explanation. Is there anything that follows up on what happens to everyone after the last episode?


Don't know. Heard a rumor that there could be a third season. I also want to find out if the Captain could really be Hibiki's sister.

Latin gotta love it


I just seen Vandread i love the show but i also think it ended to quick. If u get any up dates on if there is a third season can u inform me about it ty.


A third season would be a very good idea. I hope they make it.

Can't live without it!!!!!!



Magno didn't call Grandpa "uncle".Magno called Hibiki's grandpa "uncle".



I would like to see a third series about the reclamation of Earth. Find out WTF is going on there.



"Why would they want to reclaim earth? The place is a frikkin factory with an atmosphere!"

They will have to deal with Earth sooner or later. I imagine there are alot more Earthlings waiting in line to start s*** with the Vandread Crew.

Basically I would like to see them take the fight to the Earthlings, ala Star Wars battle of Endor kind of battle. I would also like to see more of Earth and its people, whatever they have left anyway.

What do you think would happen if they destroy the rest of the Earthlings? Will they take over the planet for leave it to rot away in space. All that equipement could be helpful.



I think that they ended it just right, but only if they make a third stage. If they don't make one, then the ending ended way to quickly!


I think so. will hibiki and dita get together? will men and women be at peace? so many questions unanswered.
