Where can I see it?

Can I rent this movie at Blockbusters or do I have to wait for it to show on TV?

If life were like a box of Chocolates.... I wouldn't eat them!!!


i rented it from rogers


Don't bother. I normally love making of and documentaries etc. but when I tried watching this I almost fell asleep. It's terribly, awfully, horribly boring. Do yourself a favour and don't waste the money.

This kind of situation does not call for freaking out


dont know how much good this will do, but its on the IFC channel right now.(1-22)
little late for me to post this now but oh well.
there showing it again real, real early in the morning, 2:30 eastern.
If you wanted to tape it.

I think therefore you is


yeah i was gonna say the independant film channel (ifc) plays that all the time almost more than true plays ed wood...

Proud Member of Johnny Depp Cult est03
