Sexual content?

What kind of sexual content is in this film, anyway? Sex scenes in films make me uncomfortable, so should I avoid this or go for it? Thanks for helping.




The sex is not at all graphic. You don't actually see them at all, you just hear her making some sounds and it shows the outside of the hut. The movie is great and I recommend that you watch it.


*lol* Sounds for 5 minutes ;-)



i'm female and know what you mean.....just sounds like sex and a naked male bum for like a millisecond. no big deal...but funny. the movie is beautiful and funny. miscommunication all around since all three characters speak a different language. my husband and are consider ourselves hipsters and we liked it. we both laughed out loud more than once. great writing and beautiful landscapes! highly recommend it!


fabulous movie. the sex noises are more comical than anything. And until I read someone else's post...I forgot there was really anything "sex scene-ish" in the movie at all...because it's so minor.




No offense, but who cares? If ``sex scenes'' (which in a good film play an artistic role) keep you from enjoying a great piece of cinema you need to see a psychiatrist or go back to Forest Gump, oh wait! I think there's a ``sex scene'' in that one too! I know, Disney!


I concur.

My vote history


Don't worry. There's not porn-scenes in that movie. Anyway, sex scenes are not evil. There are truly evil things going on in real-life, so please pay attention to what's worth fearing, like things that aren't shown in movies based on fiction.


Oh, shut up. I was watching all sorts of foreign film geared to a far older audience at the age of 12. Maybe this is a younger poster.

It is certainly valid to be made uncomfortable by sex scenes. I can think of very few occasions when they were actually useful to the plot and only one time when the omitted sex scene might have worked better if it had been seen.


Why do only US American's raise this question ?


I would like to point out that even if the movie doesn't really contain much sex, it does have scenes of people getting shot to bits, literally. Blood coming out of ears and eyes, and body parts scattered about.

But if that doesn't make you uncomfortable, you should be okay with this movie. Because there is no sex.


Surely, you must be joking, right?




Because as Dan Savage says ...

This is America... Australia got the convicts, Canada got the French, we got the Puritans and we're stuck with them.

Thank God you were spared any "Boobies" cause they are dirty, dirty, dirty!


