I am sooooo tired of all these stupid satire fairy tale movies!!!!
Anyone agree with me?



Its an original twist of the Brother Grimm tales, i think it brings a fresh approach to it, and animated films are a great way to do it.


at leasts its not a sequil of something that was a sequil of something else. Its something kinda fresh right?!?!?


So I'm not the only one a little bothered by Cinderella 3?
A Complete reversal of the crapped up version of Grimm's Cinderella that Disney decided to re-imagine...come on. When will disney go back to trying to make a decent movie, instead of these contrived sequel upon sequel...
I'm happy for this new movie, someone is using their brain.

I can resist everything ecxept temptation ~Lord Darlington
"Lady Windemere's Fan"


Uh Pirates, great movie; made by Disney.


Pirates of the Caribbean? You're mad!

Bad story.
Horrible dialogue (take the last line of the first film: "No, he's a pirate!" *wince*).
Acting by Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley that makes you vomit a bit in your mouth each time they're in the scene.
Contrived plot.
Bad jokes.
No nudity.

In fact, the only decent performances in either of the first two films were given by Edward Scissorhands and the Marquis de Sade.


Disney's version of Cinderella was based on the Perralte version of the tale, not the Grimms. The Grimms version is MUCH different. No fairy godmother for starters.

Not every fairy tale out there was written by Grimms or Anderson, do a little research before you start ranting.


The Grimms version was also darker as I recall. Many of those stories that Disney turned into movies, like Cinderella and The Little Mermaid, were much darker than Disney made them out to be; but it's Disney, they can't show you the original story. I don't want to see the original story to be honest with you. I like the happy endings.

Life's a cow, milk it for all it's worth.



Actually, it is believed that the earliest known version of the Cinderella story came from China (which explains the importance of small feet), and spread westward with sea trade. Perrault's version was allegedly watered-down from the Grimm version. It is important to note that these are folk tales told from the perspective of these writers, not entirely original stories. In fact, Perrault has been accused of changing the story to reflect a more moralistic tone. It is distinctly French in its styling, at any rate. Grimm's is darker, and partly for that reason is distinctly German. Personally, I prefer the German version. Then again, I'm also a German major. Each to his/her own, I suppose. Sorry about the rambling; I took a class that was partly based on folk tales, particularly this story. I more or less agree that sequels of such movies need to die.



Ive heard alice in wonderland was creepier than it was when put into a movie but havent read it I plan too tho...

man if tim burton could do the Grimm tales...

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)"Take a chance on
(¸.·´ (¸.·<3 me..."


This isn't a Disney's lionsgate dur dur dur...learn your stuff before you start complainibg...


yea, stop "complainibg".... lol


There's nothing fresh about these tongue-in-cheek fairy tale parodies. It's been DONE TO DEATH. At this point, it would be revolutionary to tell a fairy tale with sincerity and without any references to pop culture.



I'm going to have to agree; when Shrek came out it was the best movie I'd seen in a while. Shrek 2.... ehhh not so much but still a few chuckles. Hookwinked was decent but just drained the fairy tale move genre a bit more. I think the industry should realize that we've quite enough enactmants of these classic tales, no matter how much you twist them.

Here's an idea movie industry; write something new, something not based off a book you read in 4th grade, or off the puzzle on the back of your cereal box; sit down, grab a pencil, notepad and a coffee and write.



We already have Shrek and Shrek 2 (and eventually Shreks 3 and 4) and Hoodwinked and Ella Enchanted and The Princess Bride and Brothers Grimm and Into the Woods. The Fractured Fairy Tales genre has been done to death in just about every medium there is. I guarantee you that this this film is going to do nothing that the previous works haven't done already, and done better. In fact, I would put money on it. This is just another soulless CG cash-in that's going to make people beg for Pixar to release another movie and show these idiots how it's done.

Also, what the hell is up with the apostrophe in the title? Are the suits responsible for this crap think we're so dumb that we won't the "joke" unless it's pointed out to us?


its only a movie.
if you dont like the idea then
no one is forcing you to go and
see it.


I totally agree. I mean come on people, the majority of the people on this board are how old? Probably older than the age group of fairy tale movie goers. Generally fairy tales are for children. Leave it be. The only thing the movie industry is trying to do is make it enjoyable for older people to see as well as children. Shut up and go watch Saw if you can't handle fairy tales. To me they are refreshing no matter how redundant compared to the sick movies out there right now.


Thank you bakabunny.

Seriously speaking as a youth. I want to see this movies. Maybe you are forgetting that these movies are for the kids. Don't go into animation because considering the animation on most TV shows I watch this is good or the about the same. The storyline: Hello!?!? Want something original why don't you sit down and write your own original story. I haven't outgrown these movies. You think kids are gonna care that the storyline is reused or bad, that the animation is bad. No, we won't we'll see it because it's a kids movie, made for kids. I know all my cousins want to see it and I do and my friends. Most kids will probably beg their parents to see this movie. The story looks cute. On almost every animated movie board there is someone whining about the same crap. It's really sad you have to whine about animated films when there are so many films that are not anmated with real actors and probably made for adults that have reuse storylines. But you have to dog the animated ones that are for kids.

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)"Take a chance on
(¸.·´ (¸.·<3 me..."


If these movies are for children, then they should stop insulting the children's intelligence by pandering to them. I have two daughters who are among the biggest critics I know of these types of movies. They won't go see animated movies because they are expecting repeats of annoying characters, stupid jokes, and confusing or pointless storylines. My younger daughter absolutely hated "Cars" but I didn't think it was all bad even though I came into it knowing that it was essentially a remake of "Doc Hollywood".


I'm not going to see it, genius. You couldn't tell that from my post?


Then why the crap are you complaining about it? If someone wants to make a movie that you think won't sell and you aren't being forced to see it why should you care?

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.-Groucho Marx





The Princess Bride is fine. I don't think it's a particularly great movie, but it's cute enough, and children of the '80s who think of themselves as alternative just love it, so who am I to criticize? I was just giving it as an example of the ironic fairy tale horse that died about six years ago and is still being flogged by every animation studio that isn't Pixar.


ummmm--- shreks 1, 2, and 3 were pixar... enough said...


No, the Shrek movies were done by DreamWorks


It's for kids, They don't care!


about the apostrophe, -for a long time if you typed in the title without the apostrophe you googled a feature that was not at all pg:


Good to know. Now I can go see this movie and then rent that movie and then compare the two. For research purposes.


Hey...leave Into The Woods out of this. It was introduced in 1987, and Stephen Sondheim was probably thinking of it before Sarah Michelle Gellar had hit puberty. There's more art in Sondheim's armpit hair than in any of those movies you compare it to. Comparing Broadway and the big screen is like apples and oranges: beautiful, shiny, red and gold apples and dark, brown moldy oranges.
Ok, we can admit that a bunch of these lately are more than coincidence, but it's not about the "art for art's sake" as some of us are inferring when we curse the writer's names for not coming up with anything 'original'. As long as these movies keep bringing in money, they'll keep being made. And I plan to go see this one. And if any other interesting ones show up, I'll go see them too.


so true. broadway has a league of class that hollywood will never achieve, no matter how many of its ideas hollywood steals.


Ella Enchanted is based on a book (that wasn't a fairytale!), not Cinderella. Same with Princess Bride.
But I have to agree with you. Mainly with the apostrophe.


Here's an idea movie industry; write something new, something not based off a book you read in 4th grade, or off the puzzle on the back of your cereal box...
I'm sure that's what they'd do if they could. The problem isn't the movie people, the problem is the people who give them the money to make the movies with. If somebody came to you and said, "I need $40 million to make a movie", you'd want to know that you had some hope of getting your money back. So you only bet on movies that you know are going to succeed. So you only give your money to movies with elements that have already been proven successful. Like "Buffy meets Cinderella".

If you don't like it, then don't validate expensive and unoriginal Hollywood movies with your ticket dollars. There are plenty of good indy and foreign movies out there. (I mean real independent movies, not the art-house brand of a major studio.) Sure, the production values aren't nearly as good, and you'll see a lot of no-name actors. That's the price you pay. You can make a movie with a good story or a good budget, but not both.


"You can make a movie with a good story or a good budget, but not both."

I disagree. The quality of a story has absolutely nothing to do with the quantity of the budget. Although we can assume that many indie flicks turn out better and far more heart-felt than the "Titanics" of the big Hollywood industry, we cannot forget that there are some amazing stories backed by major production companies, and some low-budegted stuff proved to be absolute crap (*cough*Blair Witch*cough*.) To say otherwise is the definition of close-mindedness. Can you really tell me that because it had great special effects and succeeded in theatres the original Star Wars trilogy was unoriginal? Give me one example of a similar story that had been presented to us before.

And do not say "Star Trek." They are completely different and if you say you'd disagree, I will have to scream very loud and point rudely in your direction.


Geez you guys chill out, you know I happen to be a fairy tale/animation/fantasy lover myself and I love films like these. I mean in your eyes you might think it's another rip, but to me it's something new and wonderful. I mean films like these are creative and inspirational, I mean remember that old saying: Don't Judge a book by it's cover, it's the inside that counts. I mean this movie hasn't came out yet and I've seen the clips and their marvelous and humorous. I enjoy watching quality fantasy films like these, I mean these films based on mythology, fairy tales and so on inspired me to become a writer in the first place. So before you go balistic, I suggest you go to the movie and see for yourself and then complain somewhere else.

Bonejangler baby!


i think into the woods by sondheim was and is the ultimate best and in its time a fresh and original fairytale parody. after that it went downhill as moviemakers copied the idea.


It has George Carlin, thats all i need to know that this movie is going to be sweeeet


Yes, I'm sure Carlin can really bring a lot to a G-rated children's film.



We can only hope.


I saw a chunk of this train wreck recently. egads. Hoodwinked is "Gone with the Wind" compared to it, from what I saw. Just because this guy brought the book Shrek to DW, doesn't mean he knows what the hell he's doing with his own films.


He was in Shining Time Station :P


"Yes, I'm sure Carlin can really bring a lot to a G-rated children's film. "

Well that is a dumb statement. He does alot of variety and I dont think that to much vulgar would be coming from him since its a fairy tale movie. They probably needed a person who fits the type of voice Carlin has. SO gee why not get Carlin... hmmm interesting, yes provacative.

Why do people just complain all the time? This is america if you dont want to do or see something then you dont have to, nobody is going to force you. I suppose that is also the reason everyone complains so much on these forums. I love that everybody has to feel so important because they can finally voice there opinion however stupid or idiotic it may be.

From now on when people complain everyone should just reply with "WAH", then move on with your life.


OneShibbyGuy said:

"Well that is a dumb statement. He does alot of variety and I dont think that to much vulgar would be coming from him since its a fairy tale movie. They probably needed a person who fits the type of voice Carlin has. SO gee why not get Carlin... hmmm interesting, yes provacative.

Why do people just complain all the time? This is america if you dont want to do or see something then you dont have to, nobody is going to force you. I suppose that is also the reason everyone complains so much on these forums. I love that everybody has to feel so important because they can finally voice there opinion however stupid or idiotic it may be.

From now on when people complain everyone should just reply with "WAH", then move on with your life."

You're complaining :)


hahahahahahahaha indeed.


dont watch it then .... duh


I don't know, the story could be interesting, but judging by one of the trailers, this movie doesn't look that great. The character design is horrid and the writing didn't seem very impressive...of course, it was only a small portion of the film.

1, 2, 3, 4...Who's punk? What's the score? -- Jawbreaker

By the way, I'm a girl.


I total agree with the first post.... Just let up with the CG fairytale thing. Its been done, its over, let go. I can understand that kids like fairytales, and this is a film for kids, but telling a "spin" on the same thing, done in the same way (i.e. cgi), just made by different people... well... its just ridiculous. It seems that just because Shrek was a success people need to jump on the bandwagon. At also looks like if a film does well then people have to copy it. It astounds me that the geniuses that be have not made a multitude of superhero CG films after The Incredibles did so well. That must have been a true test of wills to stop that atrocity (although it hasn’t been that long since the film came out so we’re not in the clear just yet) from taking place. I know I am not bringing anything new to this argument; I just wanted to chime in my voice as totally agreeing that this film should not have been made.

The horror of the whole thing for me is that people continue to go to these re-hashings. How did Hoodwinked do well? Why are we rewarding mediocrity? That film was so badly made and a pail imitation of the films that come before it yet it made money. Why? After seeing the film I honestly can’t work out why anyone would go to see it. The CG looked like it was made by a child at home on their mother’s old PC, the characters were tripe, the direction was insanely badly put together, even the editing was foolish. So why did people see it? Is it the “kiddie dollar”? Cause I cannot see another reason that it would do well. If this is the case then can’t someone come up with something more interesting that doing it again? We are in the age of Pixar, people, take a leaf from their book. Please try and make something watchable, original, and interesting. And to everyone that goes to the movies, please please please, vote with your feet and not go and see these films. If you do then, hell, they will just continue to make them.

(p.s. a lot of the people that have defended this film read like plants. Perhaps they are not but do real posters actually say “fresh”? Isn’t that something that marketing people say?)


How about instead of remaking movies, the film industry STOPS BRINGING IN WORTHLESS CELEBRITY VOICES TO DO CHARACTER? I mean come ON, Freddy Prinze Jr? Why not use guys like Billy West to add REAL variety to a character rather than getting some high profile celeb to do a voice? Sure, they can act, but not as well behind an animated character. With celebs, it's just a recognizable voice.

But George Carlin DOES have personality, and I DO hope he corrupts our youth.

Tonight's forecast: Dark.


Yawn indeed. Western animation is and has been pitiful for years now. With exceptions of course. It use to be Andrew Lloyd Webber "american tale/little mirmaid" rip-offs, before then "lord of the rings|" rip-offs. Its a cycle, and the "burp" humour and constant culteral gags really piss me off. Please let this Pixar age pass.

Look at me, iam the king of newyork!!


I love how you noted "Western animation". Is that to imply anime is so much better? I think the next time I see a giant space robot I'll cry.


Hahaha, that was sweet. I like that one.....sorry...i'll shut up now


First of all, I've seen a few comments about George Carlin 'corrupting our youth'. Have you ever actually seen or heard any of his standup or read any of his books? The man is brilliant. Yeah he swears, so freakin' what. As he says in one of his many fabulous rants;

"They're only words. It's the context that counts. It's the user. It's the intention behind the words that makes them good or bad. The words are completely neutral."

And as for corrupting our youth, that's a done deal. Some silly words spoken by a comedian in an insignificant animated film is not the problem. Not even close.

And third, just wondering, why on earth would you (those of you hatin') prejudge or assume you are going to hate this movie?

...Every night I save you. Spike


That's lovely, except for one thing: GEORGE CARLIN DIDN'T WRITE THE FRIGGIN' MOVIE. He showed up, read from a script for maybe two hours, collected his paycheck and left. He was cast mostly because of his voice, and maybe also because idiots on the internet will hear "George Carlin" and expect the film to be some sort of brilliant, searing polemic rather than yet another cheap CGI knockoff.

I really don't understand why people keep bringing up Carlin's involvement like it's some sort of ace in the hole. He did this movie for the same reason most celebrities do voice work: It's easy, lucrative, and people are less likely to associate you with the film if it turns out to be an embarassment.



While I understand your point on this - also realize that animation voice tracks are done in the studio, long before they draw anything. This is so they can sync the lip movement with the character, and the voice adds some life to the character. The reality is, we are talking about a few days at most to put down the tracks for an animated film that is a couple of hours long, versus weeks on scene for a live action flick.


Its gonna Rock!

I`m gonna camp out at the theatre when it comes out.. get a good seat.


I think these movies are cute my neices and nephews love them. Atleast when they come over to watch a movie its not barney or some other boring kids movie they keep me laughing.
