animation or not?

just wondered of anyone could tell me if its animation or not,if not why the pic at the top?


Not animated. It is art.


thnx akira,that doesnt help one bit



I'd agree with this review, but I don't remember TCFTBL gettin lucky; The Creature was Lagoon bound in the original. This film is really a revitalization / spoof on the ol' drive-in film era. This flick is sprinkled with Humanoids From The Deep / Return of the Living Dead - like scenes and will have you laughing at some good acting. Overall, I am enthusiastic and awaiting FROG-G-G 2!


Had it actually been a mutant frog creature raping people, it would have been a really entertaining movie. Instead we get a dude in a green suit jumping on people. EVen then, that's not until the last 30 mins of the movie, we literally don't see the frog for the first HOUR of the movie.

This was trying to be like Mosquito or Ticks or something it seemed to me. But it didn't play into the silliness of it until the last act. And by then, it was a lost cause... all in my opinion of course.

"Look, Hank. Have you ever seen such a beautifully punted baby?" - King of the Hill
