MovieChat Forums > Dead End (2003) Discussion > You favourite quote/scene [Possible spoi...

You favourite quote/scene [Possible spoilers]

I'll go first:

Girl - "I'm pregnant" (out of nowhere)

*both parents caught in a wtf moment*

Brother - "I smoke pot"

*father gets WTF Overload*

Father - "I'm going to go change the tire"



Fahter: Where's the whiskey?
Daughter: I threw it away. Remember?
Father: What - you threw away my whiskey? My Whiskey?! You ungrateful little brat!
Daughter: Dad, calm down.
Father: You think because I'm weak, I let my guard down and you can start messing with me.
Daughter: Dad, listen to me.
Daughter: What are you doing?
Father: That'll teach you to think twice before you touch my balls.


Yeah, I know it's a year+ after you originally posted this, but you got the dad's end quote wrong. He said, "That'll teach you to think twice before you touch my BOOZE!"


Definitely the scene with the shotgun and Laura shoots frank i spit my soda out laughing. Priceless

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Father: Somebody's *beep* with us!
Daughter: Calm down.
Father: I don't want to calm down! I want this sh*t to stop!


Rofl that part was gold. "Somebody's fvcking with us!" hahaha.


OMG I love that part too :)


Father: Maybe the north Star doesn't indicate north. Maybe the map maker was drunk. Maybe the moon's made out of cheese - who knows? Everything's so *beep* up on this goddamn road.


Well, thats because you're not his father. Alan Rigby was his father. I loved that she said it in uch a matter of fact tone lol.

The drawing of Brad, "This is Brad, and this is his leg over here!"

If you type Google into Google, you can break the Internet. So please, no one try it, even for a joke.


Many of those you mentioned, but I'll add two more which I found simply hilarious.

The father was talking about hating his wife's family and christmaas with them:
"....and I know that Christmas is all about giving, but I DON'T GIVE A *beep*

The second one is in the end when father and daughter encounter the cabin again. It was something like:
F: Thats the same cabin!!
D: It must be another one... it can't be the same!
F: Yes it can't, BUT IT IS!
(his tone when he says this is terrific - typical b-movie horror corny type yet it is so terrific):D :D


Dad with a pen and paper....

DAUGHTER: What are you writing?

DAD: Things I want to do when this is over.


Then he shows her what he's written: Things I want to do when this is over.


HAHAHAHA... never have I watched a film start off so bad, but ultimately 'win' me over with its ridiculousness. Classic.


Holy s__t! The bitch shot me in the leg.

Is he hurt? You can help change the world.
