MovieChat Forums > Dead End (2003) Discussion > Good Movie, Cliche Ending

Good Movie, Cliche Ending

I thought the movie was good. The only problem I have with the movie is the ending is far too cliche. That ending has been done to death. In fact, it's so over used that if you asked someone to guess how they think the movie will end they will probably guess correctly.


Assuming U saw this in 2014. This movie came out in 2003. I saw it when it first came out and enjoyed the ending. But you're right many movies have had this ending since.


With a degree in Film Studies, take it from me....

The 6th Sense/Fight Club..."fooled you!"/unreliable narrator thing is way over done. This was no exception. It was clear they were on a road with no end (a plot device used in a few Twilight Zone episodes and The Last Car--Tales From the Darkside) and instead of making it some supernatural oddity (see The Mothman Prophicies when Richard Gere just ends up driving aimlessly into a town with no time or distance considerations) it had to be related to death and purgatory. That spoiled it. All the attempts to wipe out the cliche fail due to that. This started out OK, Ray Wise and Lin Shaye are both very good in the work....but, the end was tired, recycled and even a bit cheesy. The fact the doctor would tell the guy in the hearse ANYTHING not only is against federal ALSO dumbed down the viewer by explaining things. I could see the influence of the Shining here....that's a movie that, at all costs, avoids explanations. Why? Most of the best mysteries we encounter are unexplained and that is what makes us interested. This movie had none of that. Very little suspense. Few scares. Just a forgettable early 2000s movie that capitalized on the success of better/more suspenseful films that properly used the plot device they were going for here.
