MovieChat Forums > Dead End (2003) Discussion > I wanted to SMACK that kid!

I wanted to SMACK that kid!

Ugh! The character was so obnoxious and the actor was so...bad. Nothing rang true about him at all and I just wanted to watch the rest of the cast, especially Lin and Ray who were excellent! The girl who played the daughter was great too.

But that kid. He totally ruined every scene he was in. I really started liking the movie, which was great, after he died because I wouldn't have to see him horribly blurting out lines anymore.


While i dont think he was horribke cuz its always funny to have a stoner kid in the movie but i agree it was the right choice to kill him off quick. The movie definitely got better after he died.


He was way too much of a moron to be believable. Sure some people can be jerks, but this guy was an exaggeration. Someone like that would get punched in the face 24/7


He definitely made one too many homophobic attacks on the boyfriend for my liking.


Don't be such a whiny queer *beep*


As a troll, it must be tough for you to be so ugly. You have my sympathies.


Just because someone hurts your feelings doesn't make them a "troll". Grow a pair, *beep*

If I can't smoke and swear I'm *beep*


You honestly think you hurt my feelings?  I'm adding you to my ignore list, as I do most trolls that attack posters for absolutely no reason other than the fact that they are ugly losers looking to bait someone for a response on a message board. I have better things to do than to argue with people clearly beneath me.

Find a new victim, because I sure in hell am not going to feed you any longer. Buh bye 


Huh! You just another *beep* *beep* that is afraid with fighting against someone and then send them in your *beep* ignore list. What a loser.


Not afraid to fight, just above it. After all, these boards are meant for discussing movies, not immature fighting and bickering between users. I utilize the ignore list to filter out filth that attack innocent users and do not provide any insight to the movie at hand, such as yourself. Haven't you anything better to do? 

If you are the same user as the one I ignored before, then what's truly sad that you need to get on another account to tell it to someone you don't know online. Just saying.

Regardless, welcome to my ignore list (again?).


I think he was suffering from some suppressed feelings lol


I HATED how he talked to his parents.
