MovieChat Forums > Bobby (2006) Discussion > Alternate title could have been: America...

Alternate title could have been: America's Last Hope

If you listen to RFK's speeches, they are rife with wisdom and sentiment that you don't find in politics anymore. Today's politicians are all scripted, with speech writers trying to sponge up popularity points for the politician, like the plot of a TV show, instead of the politician actually trying to make a different better world.

Looking at what we do to those who try to teach us to love each other, it's no surprise I guess.

This was a great movie and a wonderful portrayal of the end of innocence and hope in America (who's come since who would actually make a difference?)

The internet says Ron Paul, but those in power are already marginalizing him, such that he won't be *allowed* to win even if he wins the most support.

America the experiment has failed.


Well, yea, would have been a great president. Really quite tragic actually. He's shot, and then Nixon wins after that.


"If you listen to RFK's speeches, they are rife with wisdom and sentiment that you don't find in politics anymore. Today's politicians are all scripted, with speech writers trying to sponge up popularity points for the politician, like the plot of a TV show, instead of the politician actually trying to make a different better world.

Looking at what we do to those who try to teach us to love each other, it's no surprise I guess.

This was a great movie and a wonderful portrayal of the end of innocence and hope in America (who's come since who would actually make a difference?)"

I hate to break it to you but even back then and even with a guy like RFK his speeches were indeed scripted and were trying to sponge up popularity. RFK was still a politician trying to win an election. The fact is that RFK was a very ruthless individual at times and was not well liked in Washington and I don't mean just the Kennedy enemies. Many Kennedy supporters did not like Bobby. While his brother was in office he made some very difficult, hard decisions and at times questionable decisions. He did seem to change after his brother's death, but he still maintained his ruthlessness when dealing with his enemies. While his stance on Vietnam was noble in 1968 he did forget to mention that he did send in more "advisors" and he did okay the assassination of President Diem. The fact is that Bobby had SOME reasponsibility for the esculation of the Vietnam War.

However, he was probably the best choice in 1968 because like I said he did seem to have a massive change of heart and he seemed to be less ruthless. Still the very, very sad fact is that he did not become President so we will never know what kind of President he would have become and like it or not it is unfair to predict that he would have made a difference. There is no way you can predict what kind of President he would have been excellent, mediocre, or poor. Speeches are just talk and sadly no of us will know if he was going to back them up and follow thru. In fact there is no way to predict if he even would have won the Presidency. The Democrats were not popular thanks to LBJ and Nixon was well respected at the time. It sucks because it would have been nice to find out.

I respect Bobby Kennedy, but the movie and revisionist historians portray RFK as a man above politics and a beacon of peace. The fact is that, although, I believe he was a good man he was still a politician like the other candidates. It really is too bad that we never found out what would have happened in 1968 if that ass hadn't shot that man.


RFK's speeches were scripted too!
What he had was called charisma and Hollywood actors have that too - so that was nothing new or special.


Yes, We have know idea what RFK would have been like. Heck for that matter
people don't have any idea what JFK would have been like in a second term.
It is true, though people do not want to admit it, Death, specifically, assaination, sometimes makes heroes out of people.


RFK was a lawyer who believed in fairness. Of course a LOT of people did not like him because many of them did not want to change the status quo. RFK wanted justice right away, which caused friction with many who did not. What a surprise. His speeches were not entirely "scripted" as you imply. His speechwriters knew his favorite authors from the classics and also how he thought. Some of his greatest statements were off the cuff.

The truth is spoken here.
