So boring

What a wasteful use of actors and a disrespect to RFK. The movie is nothing but a stylistic copy of Crash (2000). None of the characters even really interacted with RFK, they were just loitering inside the hotel and living their Jerry Springer life. Sure I was interested in finding out what happens to some of the characters, but the rest of the movie I just fast forwarded to the end.



I don't think this was neither disrespectful nor boring. The movie was more based on regular people going about their day and how they all had a common bond by just being there when he was assignated. You could substitute that with doing a movie about how people were effected by 9/11 in the same format. I don't see how this was boring, the whole movie was a build up climax to the assignation.


I have to agree. I found this movie to be anything but boring.

Though, I'm only a bit younger than Estevez, so I saw it with a bit of nostalgia for what I felt growing up, and a whole lot of "what if?".

I thought that it was a very compelling film, and very well done.


I didn't find it boring at all.

(gasps) Was I good? - Black Swan


I remember falling asleep watching it.

Y'know, I could eat a peach for hours


Fully agree. Too stylistic, shallow and stereotypical representation of what happened at the Ambassador Hotel on the day RFK was assasinated. You never really engage with any of the characters as there isn't enough time to start developing any sympathy or antipathy for any of them (except on a very shallow basis). As the film keeps on "developing" you are wondering why you are following this random group of people. It's like you are forced to watch a boring episode of a generic soap opera instead of focusing on the (obviously more) important subject - RFK. The whole idea of the film falls flat unfortunately and becomes an unsuccesful tribute to "Bobby".


My sentiments to a T, ion!

Spike Lee did the same thing with "Summer of Sam" - took a real-life event and filled it with a hoard of contrived, annoying fictional characters whose soapy stories aren't even interesting.

The period detail of this film is also superficial and inauthentic. The all-star cast doesn't help matters either. They come off as bad caricatures and parodies of people of the period. Ashton Kutcher's hippie was a painful to watch.

Originality needs a reboot.


Sorry, but IMHO, I flatly disagree with you. I think it's a wonderful ensemble film and an absolute credit to Mr. Estevez's talents. Wish deeply that it was available on blu-ray. This is one that I truly loved.


I truly enjoy this film. I saw it twice in the theater and have it on DVD. I am thankful that this movie was made so that more people can see what a great man RFK was and what a remarkable president he would have been.
