Would a film work???

I mean, could you really use DaiX?


Given the recent CGI efforts with Transformers etc, I dont think they would need to dress up a guy in a suit to make it work (Power Rangers anyone?) Also I saw somewhere that a guy had started rendering some of the ships from the series including the little bad-guy fighter ships but as he was on his own it was somewhat laborious and I dont know how far he has gotten.
I think a film would be great although some of the story threads would have to be truncated and i dont think X-Bomber could spend as much time crashed out as it does in the series.

"I distort my perceptions to make my reality more palatable"


Perhaps to base a film on the first part of the series. To include the defection of X-bombers first commander- Captain Carter up until his assassination/ mercy killing. I always thought that his story ark was the best one in the series.


Yeah you have got a point there, although to be fair to Captain Carter he was the victim of a sophisticated torture and mind control program resulting an a somewhat forced defection. Of course, when he realised what was happening he took the(only)honourable way out.
If I remember correctly after that story arc there was quite alot of vague meandering and X-Bomber spent alot of time being crashed or grounded in other ways (including their equivalent of Tribbles!!), It may be interesting to calculate the percentage of time that X-Bomber spends on the ground compared to flight time.
All in all though I think that there is enough meaty story to make at least two films whilst cutting out some unnecessary padding.

"I distort my perceptions to make my reality more palatable"

