Both FOX and America screw up

I need to get something off my chest. I am utterly appalled by how many comedy TV shows go off the air, mainly on FOX channel. The only excuse I can think of is that FOX is a non-cable channel. This means that all those hicks and morons too pathetic or incompetent to afford cable are unable to comprehend the utter brilliance of many fantastic shows. The newest bereavement was Arrested Development, which is as funny as it gets. Unfortunately, the show required viewers to not only be up to date on current events, but to posses a level of intelligence to embrace irony and satire in its purest form. Alas, Andy Richter followed the same path. I recently found a torrent for these shows, and it made me laugh out loud, at home, alone: which is monumental for a person like me. As much as we might boycott the dismissal of these shows, it doesn’t matter, since we are the minority in terms of intelligence. When it comes to adeptness, we have to swallow our kool-aid and admit that we will be screwed time after time. Stacked, The War at Home and MAD TV all have a comfortable spot in the lineup. And yet, I withdraw any comments I have made directly to the FOX corporation, since when it boils down to the bare bones of society, FOX is simply playing America’s shows.


i so despise the fact that when they finally put on a good show they pull it right as you begin to get really into it. then they screw up the time slot till you don't even know if it's officially canceled or not. i guess that's why they invented tivo. alas, i have not.

i loved andy richter so much. his follow-up quintuplets, which appealed more to the mindless american idiots all the shows are catered to, really blowed. it was sad watching andy richter being reduced to such drivel.

and the thing with arrested development is ridiculous. that is such a great show! it was pathetic when ron howard had to come on before every episode and beg america to watch it.

if they keep cops on the air why can't they keep arrested development? NObody watches cops.


There's a sad but true joke about Fox. People are saying what a funny, intelligent, and good show Arrested Development is. I would say "Yeah, it is, that's why it's going to be canceled soon." Whenever Fox has a new good show, they always find someway to ruin it or lose the audience with some time change. Friday night is poison to any show. Fox really sux at advertising it's show as well. That's why Arrested Development lost most of it's audience after the World Series, no one knew when it was on.

And I just hated how Fox got my hopes up. After the hiatus after first few episodes, I thought Andy Richter Controls the Universe was back for good. Lured into a false sense of reality, only to have the show ripped away again. It's a shame.


I've been disappointed by Fox so many times: The Tick, Grounded For Life, Greg the Bunny, Andy Richter Controls the Universe, Titus, and many other shows that were cancelled before they had a chance to get an audience. NBC moves Scrubs around so many times, half the time I don't know when it is on, but they at least have the guts to let the show continue. If Fox had Scrubs they would have cancelled it after a season and a half for some lame "Cooking with Wrestlers while watching NASCAR" crap.

I just bought the Greg the Bunny DVD and was impressed with how the show was developing in just 13 episodes, nevermind how insanely funny it was.

I damn near cried when they cancelled ARCtU and put Richter in that stupid quintuplets show, what the hell?!!?

The good thing is that now that Malcolm is gone there no reason to watch Fox anymore.


Here is the thing you all seem to be missing, FOX is the only network that even gives shows like Arrested Development or Andy Richter Controls the Universe a chance to begin with. ABC, NBC and CBS all throw out the same crap every year and FOX is the only one that even attempts something different.
What you have to remember is TV is a business and if a network is not able to make money on a show, no matter how good it is, they are going to cancel it. Period. You can rant and rave about how stupid the country is but do not for one second think that America is somehow dumber than the rest of the world for it's entertainment choices. The lowest common denominator is called that for a reason, it is common, and the further you stray from that the more your popularity is going to suffer.
Disagree? Well, look at how many more "enlightned" contries are pouring out in record numbers to watch "The DaVinci Code," if that is not pablum aimed at the lowest rank I don't know what is.
Yeah, I love this show, I recently downloaded every episode and I enjoy them as much as I did the first time they were aired. It sucks that it is off the air, but honestly, use your head, it's called MASS MEDIA for a reason.


Unfortunately Jimmy here is right. Here in Australia (as an example of the rest of the world) we watch nothing but the meekest dribble. We have Australian Idol and Big Brother... and while scholck like this does suck, it still does rate.

But I will miss these great shows that were mentioned - esp Andy Richter and Arrested Development. I think it is OK to have a bit of a collective whinge about the gutless decisions that these networks have made, especially FOX. Are they gutsy to keep on trying new and ultimately fine shows only to kill them off and disappoint so many? Surely there is a market for high quality shows for us the minority??

Puff: Apes don't assasinate their presidents, gentlemen!


Alot of great comedy shows all got cancelled about the same time: Family Guy, Greg the Bunny, Titus, Futurama, and Andy Richter Controls the Universe.

All of these, except for Andy Richter, have all of the seasons on DVD. Hell, three of them even came back from the dead (Family Guy, Futurama, Greg the Bunny). Family Guy is obvious, Futurama has a movie (and I believe new seasons coming), and Greg the Bunny went back to its roots doing movie spoofs (now on IFC). Titus finally came out on DVD, I love that show.

I'm still waiting on Andy Richter though, but we have to wait for Paramount to bring it to DVD which may never happen. On the bright side, That's My Bush! (Paramount, 2001) is coming to DVD in October, so maybe they will notice that we want Andy Richter too.

Note to Paramount if you're reading this: I bought bootleg DVD's off of eBay for a hefty price simply because I need this show on DVD. I will buy it again if you ever bring it to DVD.


How true!!!!!! Arrested Development got the shaft in much the same way. I hadn't even heard of it until the first season was all but over, and it isn't because I don't watch Fox ( don't miss an episode of 24, sports). The Tick was also done this way. I can't believe NBC has kept SCRUBS on, which was 10 times the show Friends was.
