more seasons pretty please!!!!

this show has to be the far best!!!
just loved it!!!!!!!

why hasnt there been more seasons???
im hungry for more~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
can someone please do something????
like start a petition or something??? haha
im too "lost" to start anything like that...^0^


While so far I don't think it is as good as ARCTU, the new show "Better Off Ted" has similar humor, and a similar premise. It is also created and produced by the same guy (Victor Fresco) and has one cast member in common so far (Jonathan Slavin).

I would love to see new seasons... but it is tough to catch lightning in a bottle twice. Plus, I believe Andy Richter is going to re-join Conan O'Brien when he takes over the Tonight Show, so that makes it almost impossible to do now, and if not now, even less likely later...

But not impossible! MAYBE, just MAYBE, if "Better Off Ted" becomes popular they could have a sort of single episode cross-over show with ARCTU, which is much more likely since it isn't that hard to get everyone back together without the time commitment a new season would require... ;)

- It has been said, that to write, is to live forever.... the man who wrote that... is dead! -


I like it, but what would they do with the Byron/Phil situation?


"I like it, but what would they do with the Byron/Phil situation? "

Good question, and I hadn't considered it. Till now!

How about this: the company on "Better Off Ted" had CLONED Phil to get Byron (or visa versa), but they are separated at birth (some forgotten marketing experiment), and the two of them discover it as adults (I envision them crossing paths on the street and then both of them backing up, shocked about seeing what looks like themselves in front of them)...

- It has been said, that to write, is to live forever.... the man who wrote that... is dead! -
