
I got this game a long time ago and I've been stuck for a long time too. I'm in Lightfoot Village and to get in the Krazoa Shrine I need to do some tests. I passed the totem test easy but it is the the other test where you have to beat Muscle Foot by tapping the A button rapitedly I just can't do it so who ever beat that part tell me how.


ITS HARD! you just have to have the finger for it. Try asking a friend to help. You got to press it REALLY fast!

I'll tell two guys, and they'll tell two guys. That's like...that's like ten people right there.


holy crap i was stuck on this since i got the game in christmas 2002. then in like january 2004 my friend did it for me. he said scratch the a button. i tried it and it WORKED.



This part is simple. All you do is put your index finger and thumb together and rapidly move it across the A button. With this technique I hold the record for my game at 4 seconds.


Here's a REALLY cheap way to do it, this was the method I used because I cheat XD I used a pen or pencil and roll it across the A button as fast as I can within seconds. I was able to beat Muscle Foot with little effort using this method ^^;

"Dr. Seward, there's a message for you in the lobby."


Oh my gos[9iidakl;askdjkalkdjfkslaskdjfjs JUST GET A *beep* TURBO CONTROLLER!


I got a free third party controller with turbo and just held down a :)


I feel your pain. I was stuck there for a while, (I beat the game years ago) and I have a strategy. Make a fist and use your knuckles. Run all four knuckles across the A button back and forth as fast as you can. It may sting a little but it works! Trust me!



I replayed the game recently, and was able to do it by tapping the A button with my thumb. I guess I got real fast because Muscle Foot quickly fell in.


"Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun." -Ash (Evil Dead)


What I usually do is grab a pencil or pen and start vibrating my hand towards the A button. That usually works for me, hope it works for you.



Use a spoon. I know, really stupid idea. But that is how I did it. Just move the spoon between the B button and the A button. Should help. Good luck.



if you know how shiver on purpose. just focus to shiver your hand.
its the easiest thing

Dean: "You mean, like, protection-against-demons salt, or, 'Oops, I spilled the popcorn' salt?"


It was pretty hard.

The pen thing works though. The first time I played, I couldn't beat it, until I used a pen and it worked.

I can do without the pen now, but yeah, try the pen.


That part was sinch. Also, how did you go on the one at the end of the fourth Krazoa Shrine? That one was easy too.

Give her hell from us peeves!
(Blows raspberry)
