English or French?

Is A ton image in French or English. I saw the DVD in a second hand store. It was a Region 2 DVD with Russian and Estonian subtitles (of all!!!) and it said it had english audio track, but here on IMDb it says that the language is French. Is it possible that it could be in english on DVD. I don't speak french, russian or estonian so it could otherwise be lightly difficult to undestand the film.

"You're out of order! The whole trial is out of order! They're out of order!"
"Forget about it"



It was just on television here, and it was in the French language. I also checked this website:
http://www.mediadis.com/video/detail.asp?id=138448 and it says that the french DVD has only French audio and no subtitles.

Maybe they made a dubbed version for the English-speaking markets and/or perhaps you have an unofficial copy.


I just saw it on Australian TV; French with English sub-titles.🐭
