Not really!

This movie could have been good if it had any good actors in it or if it didn't look like it was shot on someone's personal camcorder!

Avoid this stink bomb, it's not worth the time!


Sadly he's right :-( Film is every bit as cheap and crappy as the cover for the DVD listed on IMDB!


I hope that neither one of you plan on giving up your day jobs. The movie on the DVD is even better than it was during the premiere. It has 4 veteran actors in the film. Dan Haggerty, Terence Knox, Charles Matthau and Dennis Haskins. The acting done by Terry Jernigan, DJ Perry and Chris Nendick was up to par as well as the others that they had. You two must have been watching it crosseyed...

Freedom is not cheap... Quit bashing our troops and leaders!


Unknown actors in a (thankfully) almost totally unknown film. I wasn't watching crosseyed, but I was certainly very sleepy eyed while watching this drivel!

Veteran actors!? Never heard or seen any of them ever before!

EDIT: Ha, just seen your other posts, now I understand why your defending this tripe! Don't even BOTHER replying Mr 'I am the webmaster for some unknown wannabe' Your opinions are going to be biased and therefore worthless, whatever you say.





You are really a very sad person openstorage. Got to be if you can say that the only talent there was Dan Haggerty and that you are 30... I have to seriously question that you really know much of anything then.

"AN ORDINARY KILLER" has true heart and tells the true stroy from the detectives, who lived the case, point of view. It was wonderful the way they were portrayed as well as the victims family and friends. The mothers portrayal was so beautiful that you would think that the actress, who portrayed her, had lived through it herself. Terry Jernigan gave an exellent performance as well as Chris Nendick... 2 unknowns to some of the public but I happen to know that they have fans too. Tony Hornus is an award winning journalist and wrote the screenplay for the movie as well as directed it. I know that he was ever so particular with how each actor played their rolls and they each did their task so very well. I have waited a very long time for the official release of the film and I am NOT disappointed!

Freedom is not cheap... Quit bashing our troops and leaders!


Don't believe a word from this pepper phantom FREAK! Just read her other posts, all she does is rip anyone to shreds if they dare say a bad thing about pathetic little dj perry or any movie he's been in.


Why would you say someone is "sad" because they watched your crappy movie and hated it? Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Obviously from reading the reviews of most of dj's movies nobody really likes them unless they were in the movie and being forced to write a fake good review. You are beyond sad to have a website for such an unknown loser.

Keep responding with your pathetic drivel, it makes me laugh =-)


Oh brother... now who is being the pathetic one? Ever heard of giving someone the benifit of doubt? Obviously NOT! I did and I found him to be a pretty darn good person. Why trash a entire movie just because you don't like the one individual? I happen to know these people that you are busy trashing and I personally don't like it. It is not right to trash a career before it even gets off the ground. Well, his career is now on the 15 floor and rising. Maybe it is thanks to your trashing and maybe it is because there are fans out there who really do like the guy. These fans have seen his movies... and you can laugh all you want but he does have a growing fan club. I haven't sent any of them here but I will now. Have fun trying to expalin yourself to them. And by the way... don't trash them... I get really ugly when the little folk get trashed... And you don't want me to do that...

Freedom is not cheap... Quit bashing our troops and leaders!




Thank you for proving my point exactly. You're not allowed to have a REAL opinion about dj perry's movies, if you say anything negative at all, pepper-pantom will complain to the administrator and make them delete your message. Therefore, only FAKE good reviews and FAKE praise from dj's personal friends and family are allowed. HILARIOUS!!!!!!!! =-)


There was no point proven. Anyone who was here before your post was deleted would have seen the language in which you chose to post. You were very abusive with foul words. And for your information... it was not I who made the report. It happened to have been a fan of Terence Knox's who has heard about the movie through me. Another fan... gee how simple can that be. People who do not know DJ Perry except from his website and his movies. Only one in that fan club who actually knows DJ is me. They have their own opinions. You fell really short on that one baby... The movie is really good so, live with it. Post all the negative posts you think you are worth BUT remember... you not only are bashing DJ Perry, you are bashing a whole lot of other talented people and their fans are not going to sit still for that. You put the challenge out there and they are the ones replying.

Freedom is not cheap... Quit bashing our troops and leaders!



Don't believe a word from this pepper phantom FREAK! Just read her other posts, all she does is rip anyone to shreds if they dare say a bad thing about pathetic little dj perry or any movie he's been in.


Why would you say someone is "sad" because they watched your crappy movie and hated it? Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Obviously from reading the reviews of most of dj's movies nobody really likes them unless they were in the movie and being forced to write a fake good review. You are beyond sad to have a website for such an unknown loser.

Keep responding with your pathetic drivel, it makes me laugh =-)


Thank you for proving my point exactly. You're not allowed to have a REAL opinion about dj perry's movies, if you say anything negative at all, pepper-pantom will complain to the administrator and make them delete your message. Therefore, only FAKE good reviews and FAKE praise from dj's personal friends and family are allowed. HILARIOUS!!!!!!!! =-)



Totally off the subject of the film, since you're argument is now to do with the inferiority of NON Americans! Your a cultural fascist, pepper phantom, which is only a hop-skip-and-a-jump away from being racist. I'm from the UK and haven't heard of these actors so I'm the one with the problem eh!? What kind of lunatic logic is that!!? Your scum mate, you truly are. Thankfully I know your in the minority as far as most decent Americans are concerned!


Now looky who is the funny one. It was really nice and peaceful when you stepped away from the board after getting your posts deleted. Haven't heard of the actors that I had mentioned huh??? Well if you haven't heard of Terence Knox by now I am pretty sure that you should have by now since "Tour of Duty" was played on UK television networks recently. No wonder I and others are inspired to question your intelligence. As for being a racist... why is it that you insist on down grading yourself in such bad way?

Freedom is not cheap... Quit bashing our troops and leaders!


Are you in a permanent state of semi comatose or what mate!?

'Tour of Duty' was played on UK telly networks(s) recently!! Which ones? You said networks, plural, so come on then, when and where were these shown, not that I give a toss, but I just want you to prove that your now a lair, as well as a blithering hateful little fascist.


I haven't heard of them because there virtual nobodies, well exept for that Grizzly Adams bloke, but otherwise there nobodies. There are many well known actors in the UK I bet you've never heard of!? If you weren't so insular in your thinking maybe you'd realise America is NOT the world, even though you'd obviously like it to be!

At the end of the day I gave my opinion of this film, straight away you attacked me and the other bloke who posted our opinions, saying wew were crosseyed and the usual weak and childish stuff.

Each more word you type only affirms to me that your a very sad and pathetic individualy. It's quite embarrasing when you get a group of people very loosely associated with a cheapo almost unheard of production, spending there time on IMDB defending their tiny little claim to fame.


I suppose you don't get the network FX... What is your honest opinion of "East Enders" or "Are You Being Served" or "Benny Hill" or "Trailer Park Boys"?? Oh yeah... I forgot... America doesn't get any telly from the UK or do we???

Freedom is not cheap... Quit bashing our troops and leaders!


I know you get UK telly in the USA, but those examles are rather stereotypical, and VERY old, apart form Eastenders, which I loathe. I hate nearly all soap opera's. Our telly is much more varied than in the USA anyways, I should know I've experienced US telly in person while I lived, which I might add was mostly garbage. PBS showed some good stuff, but a good deal of that was recycled UK telly believe it or not! Benny Hill is/was a comic genius.

doodlepot. You post raised a laugh, you criticise my spelling and supposed inappropriate use of the English languge, while all the while your post is so dissjointed and the spelling so BAD, it came across as being broken English! Your just getting off the point cos you can't hold a decent argument/discussion anyways! It's a cheap trick lots of people use on IMDB. If all else fails, take pot shots at the spelling /grammar eh?

My argument is that pepper_phantom is deeming anyone who does not want to marry and have this movies children, has something wrong with them because they do not like the film. Best your gonna get out of me is to agree to disagree!

I didn't like the film in any way shape or form. I though it was worthless on every level, and many others obviously feel the same as me judging by it's IMDB rating. DEAL WITH IT SADDO'S!!! If in your world that means I should be sentenced to death by firing squad, then catch me if you can! :-p

Tayk pott shotts att mye speling hall yoo lyke n'aww!!!


Well, you know what? Neither one of us spelled critisize right, so the spelling issue is completely beside the point. But, most of my spelling was correct.

As for my post being disjointed---that is your opinion. I do not think it was at all. But if you choose to accuse pepper of something that she is not, then that is purely uncalled for. She does not hate anybody that I know of. And I have known her for 13 years.

Anyway, I am tired of all the bull and this is the last post I am going to post on this subject. I can certainly understand why the rating isn't that great. The film company that did it is not Paramount or one of the other big name filmmaking companies. They are reasonably very young and,hopefully with time, will get better.




Where did the inferiority of NON Americans come from? I read NOTHING that had to do with that from Pepper. I know Pepper personally and she is NOT ,by any means, fascist. Should I go on to point out,AGAIN, the the wrong word usage in your post? Or are you bright enough to catch it yourself? If not, let me know and I will THINK about pointing them out to you.



Don't believe a word from this pepper phantom FREAK! Just read her other posts, all she does is rip anyone to shreds if they dare say a bad thing about pathetic little dj perry or any movie he's been in.


Why would you say someone is "sad" because they watched your crappy movie and hated it? Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Obviously from reading the reviews of most of dj's movies nobody really likes them unless they were in the movie and being forced to write a fake good review. You are beyond sad to have a website for such an unknown loser.

Keep responding with your pathetic drivel, it makes me laugh =-)


OOPS!!! We got a 10-9er here!!! If that is the best you can do then you truely are a sandwich short of a picnic. I could bash and trash you till the cows come home however; I am a huge fan of the cast and have too much respect to do so. If you choose to be the disrepectful one that is your FREEDOM to do so.

Freedom is not cheap... Quit bashing our troops and leaders!


Thank you for proving my point exactly. You're not allowed to have a REAL opinion about dj perry's movies, if you say anything negative at all, pepper-pantom will complain to the administrator and make them delete your message. Therefore, only FAKE good reviews and FAKE praise from dj's personal friends and family are allowed. HILARIOUS!!!!!!!! =-)


To allmispics:

I am not a personal friend or family member of dj perry's, but i found the movie to be good. I would watch it even if it DIDN'T have dj perry in it simply cuz it has Charles Mathou in it. I am a big fan of his. He is a good actor. By the way, pepper phantom did NOT report the abusive posts to the administrators, someone else did. It is your own opinion that you are entitled to have--just like pepper is allowed hers--that An Ordinary Killer is not a great, fall on the floor thrilling movie. But to bash it like I have heard that your friend did, is totally uncalled for and to bash someone for stating thier opinion is also uncalled for and at the age of 30 people ought to be more mature than that. It doesn't take someone with a lack of a better vocabulary to use as many bad words as your friend did. You can get better results with sugar than with vinegar, you know what I mean? So you might want to try that. Just a suggestion.


huh? My friend? I have no clue what you're talking about. I agreed with someone on here who posted before me I think, that doesn't really make them my friend though since all I know about them is their screen name and that they think the same movie sucks that i do.

And yes I am entitled to my opinion that this movie SUCKS and is very ameteur. I'm not the only one who thinks so obviously. Anyone could use a camcorder and make just as good a movie and that's a fact.

Also who is 30? I'm 23 years old FYI. Get the facts straight before you post and make yourself look stupid.


The person whom I referred to was the guy that posted before you did. And I used "friend" for lack of a better word--since I do not want to be nasty about it. If you look back at the post that I wrote you will notice that I said at " at the age of 30 your friend should be more mature than that" I said NOTHING about YOU being 30. So YOU get the facts straight before you post and make yourself look stupid. By the way, the bashing is uncalled for in any case. I did not bash you so do not bash me. I was just stating my opinion.



I am a little intrigued by some of the comments, that to me have nothing to with criticism , constructive or otherwise of the film. I happen to love independent film and I do think a true lover of film would have more opinions about the films technical elements,message conveyed,authenticity and just so many aspects to discuss.
I think of this type of venue as the perfect one to have some good discussions.
I have as yet to see this film , but,coming from michigan and knowing the area where it takes place , I am so anxious to see it.To me , it's so interesting that it would take that long to catch a killer and that you COULD after that period of time,before dna,sorry OJ jury, but dna does matter.
Looking forward to this movie and a serious discussion of it.
P.S. thank god for shut up already lol, and poor phantom, you probably work so hard at being a loyal fan , fan site builder and manager,and running interference for the movie and its makers, actors etc. Hang in there pepperphantom you do a great job.
What would we do without our actors, directors, writers et al, to make life art so much fun to watch


Thank you, Kirasoma. That is the whole point of the movie, I think.


I have to respectfully disagree with your assessment that "anyone could use a camcorder and make just as good a movie and that's a fact." First off, Stephen Lyons, the DP for this film, has a fantastic eye! His use of light, shadow, angles... It's just beautiful. He has a wonderful ability to create the perfect shot, and he captured the naked beauty of Michigan winters amazingly.

Aside from that, your "anyone with a camcorder" would be very unlikely to be able to age actors 30 years, recreate the look of 1973 so thoroughly, or find actors who could so empathetically convey the kind of sorrow, loss and disillusionment that comes with this kind of tragedy. The detectives' passion and resolve to find the killer, their gentle handling of the victim and her family, the deepening fear of the victim's husband were all particularly well-handled.

And, finally, try using an adjective more descriptive than "SUCKS" if you want someone to take you seriously. Oh, and it's "amateur" not "ameteur". Get a dictionary out before you post and make yourself look stupid.

"I have woven a parachute out of everything broken."


Way to go toxic_lover!!!



I'm not a fan of everything that DJ has done but I have seen him work consistantly at the business and I see progress. David Carradine...awesome! Oscars...awesome. I think actions speak louder then words. I really liked AN ORDINARY KILLER!

Trisha Long


I have been working in independent film for six years now, and never have I seen such a misguided approach to how you people take criticism. Firstly, using plants to create a false opinion on this film (and it seems, all of DJ Perry's films) is the type of lying tactic I would expect hollywood producers to use. Not only are you lying to your viewers, but you are lying to yourselves. You all need to learn to take the criticism, study it, and decide how you are going to grow from it. Secondly, these actors which you consider to be seasoned and talented veterans... Well, just because you went to the local agency and picked up a few people that frequent the minor roles on tv shows, doesn't mean they have talent. Plus, even if these actors had skill, it still doesn't change the fact that there are obviously problems in the performance. Usually, in a case where an actor has talent, but the performance is bad.. 9 times out of 10 its the fault of the director.

So you can either scoff at this and claim that "Oh, he must have awful film theory to think this film is anything but a gem" .. or, you can try and learn something. I don't really care what you choose.. I was just bored and getting a laugh out of these message boards.


Well done, Alectosord. Dan Haggerty, though IS a good actor.


Wow! There sure seems a lot of steamed up people out there on both sides of the line regarding this movie. Frankly, I haven't seen it yet, but I am anxious to view it as it does star Terence Knox, DJ Perry, and T. Jernigan and covers a pretty interesting storyline. I came to these posts to get a feel from those who have already seen it. I think perhaps there are some comments being made by a few people who haven't actually seen the movie yet as it really hasn't been available for purchase that long and I'm not sure how many people(short of those who did attend the premiere or bought the first copies) have seen it. Also, there's no mention of particular scenes, dialogue, actions, etc. to support given negative opinions. A lot of work does go into making a movie, and I think it a shame that some of this bashing is being done in such an unnecessary way. If you don't like the film....then why keep posting about it? Simply walk away if it's not worth your time. Or is it? HHHmmmmmm.....Maybe it is!

On that note, I think that it's ultimately up to each viewer to decide whether or not he/she likes the film. Not everyone likes the same thing. In other words, I think the negativity here would have stood more on its own merit if it hadn't been taken perhaps so far as to use language that necessitated having some of the posts removed. Seems like someone has a vandetta more than an unbiased opinion.

Back to the movie....
As mentioned earlier, I haven't seen this movie yet but am axious to. I thought Terry Knox was very good in Tour of Duty, Saint Elsewhere, Snow Kill, and several of his other movies that I have seen. T. Jernigan is great in most anything I've seen him in, and I'm sure that DJ gives his best.

Now, before you out there go bashing me for stating my opinion, just remember....You can say something nice with the same amount of air! Just my opinion. That's right...mine!



Awful Script!
Poor Direction!
Uninspired Cinematography!
Laughable Acting!

Worst Movie EVER!!!


This was a craptastic movie.


Ok, in the interests of frank disclosure, I decided to see An Ordinary Killer because it has one of my favourite actors, Terence Knox.

I did like this movie and I thought that it really had some great potential. Given it was a low-budget film, I thought it was very professionally made. The story was well written and was quite suspenseful. I am glad that they changed the DVD cover so that I did not know who the perpetrator was until the end. I thought the process through the investigation with the twists and turns was very clever and was not predictable.

I thought that the movie set the small town atmosphere very well. The camera work was very good and vivid. I really could not see why some people have said that it looked like it was made using a handheld camcorder.

In terms of acting, the actors playing the townspeople did a great job. The highlight for me was seeing Terence Knox play Detective Ben Bannister. I thought he did an incredible job, really played his scenes well and utilised his experience to make them great. [FYI - I became a fan of Mr Knox because Tour of Duty is truly my most favourite show of all time and he did a stellar, perfect portrayal of Sgt Zeke Anderson on that show.]

However, while I thought the film had potential, it did have its flaws. My opinions are not attack DJ Perry & Co but just my thoughts of what did not work for me (sorry Pepper):

- In the opening scene with DJ Perry at his desk and the scene at the morgue where he is literally talking to the yet unknown perp, I thought he over-played his scenes, making himself seem superior and all about him as a profiler.

The case was not solved by just one man. It was many police officers dedicated to solving this case over 28 years. That was the message and focus of the film and I thought DJ Perry tried to make himself the focus.

This is one of the reasons why working with your buddies does not always make a great product. A great film requires great acting and a good director to get what he/she needs from that acting. The film needed a director to rein him in.

- As mentioned above, I thought the character of Ben Bannister as the experienced police detective was very well played by Terence Knox. In a role where he could have taken charge of the whole investigation, etc, I thought he kept that focus that it was a team effort rather than himself.

I thought he was a great character and I see why CDI want Terence Knox to reprise his role in A Race to Judgment(2015).

The only thing that really pissed me off is that in real life, Ben Bannister is still alive while in the movie, they had him die. It served no purpose and quite frankly, it left me unsatisfied at the end.

- This again I think goes back to my first point. It again seemed like DJ and Co were focusing the ending on themselves and how they solved it. This was a movie that was meant to focus on the true story, not individual characters.

Overall, I thought the movie had great potential but I think that DJ & Co need to focus on film-making and not just their roles. As someone said, take it, learn from it and make the next project better.

Having said that, I am actually really looking forward to seeing A Race to Judgment(2015) and Byer's Bog (????) with the same actors. I just wish that they would just make them already. A Race to Judgment(2015) has been re-scheduled for release in two years' time but it has been five years since it was first announced for production and the cast has been in place since 2010...
