MovieChat Forums > Un coupable idéal (2003) Discussion > Patrick McGuiness is the Man!!

Patrick McGuiness is the Man!!

I just saw this film last night. I was SHOCKED by the corruption, lack of oversight in the judicial system of Jacksonville Florida. At the same time I was completely impressed with the intelligence and character of Patrick McGuiness. We need more men like him in any endeavors that we oversee. His character, intelligence, dedication and hard work will go along way in that especially corrupt place in united states. I hope he quits smoking though. It's not that good for you. Bravo Patrick!


Hes as cool as the other side of the pillow.

“When I die, Dublin will be written in my heart.”
James Joyce


Couldnt agree more. Absolutely loved him in this documentary. I would also love to buy him a beer. Huge respect for him.


Yeah he's bad ass!
A great man and a great attorney


Just finished watching it, and I want to buy that man a drink. He deserves free rounds for life, and even then it's not enough. What an amazing gentleman!


This guy is my new hero. yeah cigarettes are bad but then that is who he bad cool cat. plus, he smokes right before he screws the corrupt cops

SARAH PALIN. Hero of the stupid.


Agreed! Saw the movie "Paradise Lost: the child murders of Robin Hood Hills" before and thought that the West-Memphis 3 would not have been found guilty had he been their lawyer.


I agree he came across as hard working and dedicated. He is also very likeable and charismatic.
But this case was an easy win for him. All the prosecution had was an eye witness testimony. They knew that that wouldn't be enough, so they also beat a statement from the kid and left him badly bruised. They didn't do any investigation work at all after the victims husband identified the kid.
I understand it took the jury 30 minutes to reach a not guilty verdict.


Right - all the defense had to contend with was eyewitness testimony, an oral confession, and a signed confession. That's easy! And "easy wins" always result in a complete overhaul of police procedure.



Yes he was brilliant, I loved the bit where he said he likes to have a cigerette before sex lol.
I'm glad to hear he's still alive.I hope he's given up those cancer sticks.


The "cancer sticks" were an interesting quirk. Clearly he was driven to expose the truth, and the cigarettes provided a boost – or a crutch. I hope he lives a long and prosperous life regardless.


I can understand his smoking. It will kill him, but what the heck. I suspect he is a "self-destructive" type, like many geniuses are. Also, his job is stressful as all heck, human lives are riding on his skills. A one-man army taking on the racist, brutal, violent, thuggish, Florida Police and the corrupt, racist, truth-be-damned, Florida judicial system and DA's office. This guy was like a guardian angel, a protector, sent by God, to help that teenager.

Notice in the film where he stated he goes to sleep around midnight and wakes up at 2:30am to work on all the defense and all the details of his cases? Incredible human.


I can gladly tell you that Pat, has indeed, given up smoking. Thanks!


Yes of course he's a true hero and the nicest of gentlemen and seems to be very dedicated to his work too. I absolutely love this documentary (it's one of my favourites of this century) cause it has such a nice outcome. White corrupted police men that don't get away with their lies don't happen that often.

What this poor family had to go through must have been worse than hell. I really hope they're OK now.

But what one wonders is if smoking is so much worse than drinking heavily. I don't smoke myself but I have no problem with others smoking. It's their choice and not my problem.


Let's face it,for people under tremendous stress it is hard to give up smoking. Nicotine has a calming, soothing, effect upon the mind. That is why many combat soldiers are so keen on it.

In any case, I'm not sure how this study on red-neck racism and police corruption/brutality got turned into an anti-smoking crusade.

