How exactly is this good???

I have to ask, because even though I am a big fan of low budget films, however, this didn't seem to be like a case of hard work with very little money, by a pssionate starving artist. In fact, it looked to me more like it was done with a regular cam corder from Best Buy, and then just turned into Black & White.
It wasn't even funny, nor ingenuitive, nor original in any way. I watched the whole thing until the end, hoping that there is at least something about this that would make me like it from some abstract alternative artistic angle, such as with the case of low budget Dark Star, or Eraserhead, but this seemed to be plain and simply BAD, and the only thing I could get out of this, is pretentious mediocrity.

In fact what it reminds me of, is what I think it really is, a Low Budget underground film made for that same low budget underground crowd, liked only by the in-crowd who knows each other from such productions.
However, I must be out of the loop, or just don't get it, because I sure as hell do not get, how the hell can a student like quality of a film such as this have the success that it has??? Yet so many really good quality films do not see the light of day??? How the hell do you explain this???
I see so much blackmouthing of good quality films on IMDB, yet this is "GOOD"??? Please somebody enlighten me. How? Because I'm either taking stupid pills, or the world has in fact gone completely crazy.

The fact that people will knock on good quality, yet appreciate something like this, just proves to me how much actual talentless bias pretentiousness there really is in the so called film community, or better yet, backing one another's mediocrity, against that mutual enemy called The Real Talent.


The world has, in fact, gone completely crazy...

and LSC is a great movie...

-----------------------------Sydney Briar is Alive...


I grew up with this type of film at the drive-ins~double and triple features of B- to Z-budget movies, particularly science fiction. This is a brilliant parody/spoof of that genre!

Quentin Tarantino spent who knows how much money to make a grindhouse film, and I think he failed completely. THIS film succeeds in every way, and that must be difficult to do: to hit just the right notes, to write in a way that matches those Z-budget films yet makes them hilarious. Animala is a work of genius! If you don't like anything else about it, you HAVE to love her! By the time she got to her Rock Dance, I was laughing so hard that I couldn't see clearly for the tears, and my sides were aching. It was a bow to all of those dances in low-budget SF/fantasy/sword&sandal films, particularly "Cat-Women of the Moon".

But, everyone in the cast is perfect, even the mutant, and there are so many quotable lines. I read the thread about favorite quotes, and I was "LOLing" so much that, once more, it brought tears.

This evening, I sacrificed a film so that I could videotape the movie. I wasn't sure I'd ever catch it again. It seemed that it was always just over or almost through when I'd come across it. Then, I FINALLY saw it. I'm thankful that I could catch it this time. Now, I am one of the crazed fans who admire this movie. I hope the sequel won't disappoint us. Since Animala returns, I'm sure it will leave us just as exhausted from laughter.

It's sad, but you do sound like a snob when it comes to movies. That's too bad because you can't find the fun in this film because it's definitely there! I've been watching movies for 57 years (I count from the time I began comprehending what a movie is and understanding what I liked). I value my judgment about this movie over yours.

*** The trouble with reality is there is no background music. ***


"It's sad, but you do sound like a snob when it comes to movies. That's too bad because you can't find the fun in this film because it's definitely there!"

I have to agree. I think maybe the op missed the point in that this wasn't supposed to be 'just another trendy low budget movie' but was blatant parody and THAT'S the reason it was fun.



It's atrocious on purpose. I'm not sure how you could have missed that.

Watta ya lookn here for?


it's good for the same reason that it's awful, because different people have different tastes. personally I found it to be funny, not the most hilarious parody I've seen but definitely one of the better ones

"I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me..."


I discovered the film by accident and laughed my ass off. Like any other film, indeed any form of art, one's reaction is purely subjective. One either "gets it" or not. I always feel bad when I share something I love with another, whether it be a film or a band or whatever, and that person does not enjoy it. However, with Lost Skeleton, I have fortunately shared it with folks that do "get it". It's an acquired taste, but if one has an appetite for it, a knowledge of the works and styles of motion pictures it parodies, there's a lot to enjoy.


Completely agree. I am unable to understand how anyone found this enjoyable.

A mockumentary ABOUT the filming of this movie might have been fun, but making a movie that pokes fun at the shortcomings of the genre with the same jokes over and over for 90 minutes... we get it- the dialogue was bad, the effects were bad, the story was bad... but back when they were making these movies they were not making them to be bad... It is only looking at them today that they seem so terrible. I would rather watch Manhunt in Space or Santa Claus vs the Martians than sit through this again. Good idea, but bad writing makes it unwatchable.


It's not "making fun" of those things. Larry Blamire is clearly a fan of the genre. It's a love letter to 50s sci-fi horror films that he likely loved in his younger years.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


It's like "Plan Nine from Outer Space," except the stupid plot, bad special effects, and redundant dialog is intentional, so laugh with it instead of at it.



Watta ya lookn here for?



I can give you a few reasons why it is considered good.

1. It's freaking hilarious. Especially to those of us who already enjoy the types of films it is a loving homage/spoof of.

2. It achieves everything it set out to do. The objective is make a fun film that all ages can enjoy, and they have. There is no pretentious art school stuff thrown in.

"America isn't ready for a gay, mexican chicken sandwich"

