my two cents

i just have to say how much this film disappointed me. i saw it at blockbuster read the info on the back, thought "good cast (didnt notice patrick swayze at that time) and hey theres a princess called Lunna (points to name) " so i checked it out

what i found wrong with it is basically already whats been said. i felt at the beginning that this might be a rip off of robin hood prince of thieves, i was right, but it was a bad rip off mixed with georgle of the jungle "watch out for that tree!" and they threw in a dragon and an egg!
writing could have been better, i don't think swayze should have been in this, i don't know if hes right for movies like this. and oohhh the costume designer, could have done so much more to make a beautiful princess, they only had one try and they came up with one decent dress (from the waist down, looked better with the cloak obscuring what the actress lacked in physical features) i mean if kiera knightly can look as if she has cleavage, and i swear shes flatter than piper, then come on, the same could have been done here. but then if the writing still sucked she would still bother me
this film should have been taken back to the drawing board before filming


I'm watching it now (on SciFi) and finding it to be just a cute, tongue-in-cheek, low-budget romp ... certainly good enough for cable tv. Surprising appearances by Val Kilmer, Michael Clarke Duncan, Patrick Swayze (and I'm very happy that Swayze didn't atempt a bad British accent) ... good performances for the shallow script. I must admit, if it weren't for the humor, I'd be surfing to another channel.

I reject your reality and substitute my own.


"and I'm very happy that Swayze didn't atempt a bad British accent"...

In the Special Features on the disc, Swayze indicates that he was trying an accent, but we are left to surmise that it did not work out and was dropped (and scenes re-shot). I feel that he was not quite right for this film.


wow! you got out on the wrong side of bed! negative, negative, negative. snip, snide, moan, groan, gripe, whinge, complain.

i LOVED this movie! it was light and fun and entertaining. what more could you want?

re: pipers chest- where in making movies 101 does it say that all female cast members must have cleavage? and i thought keira looked stupid.


I have to agree with coralie smith This movie was GREAT FUN! NOT A BLOCKBUSTER HIT!

I enjoyed it and and was thrilled I didn't pay 10 bucks to see it!

I think the poor girls chest isn't a big draw for the film. I think he loved her for her spirit and not her lack of um, cleavage. Rolling eyes here

It’s good to dream

