10th Anniversary

This movie came out in theaters on Friday, May 2, 2003, and had its tenth anniversary this Thursday. I remember very well when it came out, as I was looking very foward to seeing it. I had never seen any episodes of the TV series it was based on, as I was homeless then, but I did go into a bookstore and read books that had many of the episodes in print, in April, 2003. Then I went to a theater on the afternoon of May 2 and saw it twice, and did like it. And I ended up seeing it many more times in theaters that summer. Then earlier this year I got a used copy of it from a dvd store, and have watched it on my dvd several times. It is my favorite movie from 2003, but it does not seem like it has been 10 years since it was out, it really doesn't. And since joining Netflix in mid March I have got a few of the TV show episodes out and watched them, and liked them as well. But NetFlix has only a few of the episodes out, and some of them have long waits. That is unfortunate, as I would like to see all of the episodes, as I now have acess to do so.

"I happen to be a vegetarian". Lex, from Jurrasic Park
