Pretty Craptastic

I recently saw this film and I must say, I think it had a TON of potential that just was never realized. Good story, decent actors, etc, etc...but then, for some reason, the director decided to make it all "art house-y" and spent most of the film making it blurry, or focusing on the water, or other techniques that added absolutely nothing to the film except to make it annoying to watch. If I were you, I'd avoid this one.


I must agree. I fast forwarded through the unnecessary "art house" effects. Too bad the film did not live up to its potential.


This is a good movie that could have been great. While there were too many art house effects I appreciated some of them and thought they served a purpose. Others, though, were predictable and unnecessary. I hated the ending but if it is based on a true story then I can't really argue with it; however; the foreshadowing made it anticlimactic and drawn out. There were interesting characters, a rich plot and good casting (some of the parts were very well acted).

Where this movie falters is in leaving characters underdeveloped, scenes play too long or not long enough, and no one ever really says enough of anything to let us know what they are really thinking.

Oh the possibilities.
