MovieChat Forums > Le divorce (2003) Discussion > 100 Things I Learned from Le Divorce

100 Things I Learned from Le Divorce

1. If you import a painting into a European nation, customs will not automatically appraise and tax it.
2. If you take a painting to be appraised, the appraiser will probably tell you that it is rare and very valuable without trying to buy it cheaply.
3. If you move to Paris, most of your friends will be American.
4. If you want to keep a painting that is worth a great deal, you should tell everyone you know, including your parents who owned it first.
5. If you want to make lots of friends in France, invite your parents and their solicitor to make trouble!
6. If you want to be a forward-thinking ethical person, eat steak, reject children who have a different name as you, have lots of affairs, but refuse to bring up a baby in a "broken" home.


7. French people have lit cigarettes glued to their fingers; the endless plume of cigarette smoke seems to bring out their piercing dark eyes.
8. Americans are greedy druglords; the French are passionate chain-smokers.
9. Even James Ivory makes mistakes.


10. If you want to look French, get a hairstyle like that Dutch kid on the paint can.
11. If you want a purse that costs thousands of dollars, have an affair with an older French guy.
12. If you're a French guy and dump your American wife for a woman who was married to an American you yourself might get "dumped".
13. After you move to Europe, you can impress your parents by dressing like someone in a European soft porn film.


14. The most absurd couplings on earth take place, like a boring american entertainment lawyer and a wacko ukranian with a cartoon voice, a sophisticated aging french lothario and a dippy hippy american girl (well..okay..the last one most definitely not so absurd)..which leads me to #15.
15. If you are young, blond, dumb, american and skinny, Paris is pretty much your oyster.
16. Small children are encouraged to sit in the smoking section of paris trains to train their little lungs to start smoking as early as possible.
17. "Of course," is the perfect response to anything.
18. Birkens can fly like the wind!

You pipple mek my ass twitch


I still can't stop laughing at #11. LMAO!!!
